GP PowerPack General Ledger Tweaks

 GP PowerPack Tweaks includes enhancements for all parts of Dynamics GP.  The General Ledger Tweaks are:

  • Account Copy/Paste: copy-and-paste an Account Number from one line in a distributions window into a new line.  Works on the distribution windows in GL, PM, POP, RM and SOP.
  • Auto-Fill Distribution Reference: copies the Reference field from the GL Transaction header to each new distribution line.
  • Copy UDF’s During Mass Modify-Copy: The Financials Mass Modify Chart of Accounts utility copies two of the four User Defined fields when copying existing accounts to new accounts  This Tweak ensures all of the UDF’s are copied.
  • Reconcile to GL Date Validation: when changing dates in the Reconcile to GL window, this Tweak  automatically sets the End Date equal to the Start Date to prevent the GP warning that that the Start Date must be before the End Date.