Color Settings

Color Settings

HelpID: 502622051

Color Settings provides a detailed level of control over the user-interface colors used by Dynamics GP. Color Settings can set the color of fields, labels, scrolling window lines, tool bars, and much more. Use Color Settings to:

    • Set different Toolbar colors in each company to help ensure transactions are entered into the correct company
    • Change scrolling window colors to work better with Citrix and Terminal Server
    • Create high-contrast display for low visibility environments, such as the shop floor.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Company >> Setup GP PowerPack

Mark the box next to MODULE: Color Settings

Restart your Dynamics GP client to enable this feature. Other users must restart their Dynamics GP client to enable this feature.

NOTE: Color Settings must be enabled for each Company Database if you want it to be active in each Company Database.

Using Color Settings

Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> System >> Color Settings or GP Menu >> User Preferences >> Display >> Additional >> Color Settings.

NOTE: If you set up Color Settings for a Company, but Color Settings is not enabled in that Company in the GP PowerPack Setup window, Color Settings will not be applied in that company. You must enable Color Settings in each Company where it should be active.

When the Color Settings window is opened by SA, both the Company ID field and User ID field will be enabled. SA has authority to set any color setting by Company, User, or Company & User.

Color Settings can be established for:

    • All Users in a Company (colors by Company)
    • All Companies for a user (colors by User)
    • A Company & User combination

When a regular (non SA) user opens the window, Company ID and User ID will be disabled and automatically populated with the Company ID they are currently logged into, and their User ID. Regular users can only create Company-User settings for themselves, in the current company.

When logging into a company, or switching companies, Color Settings will look for color setup in the following order:

    • Company-User Settings. If Company-User settings are found, they take precedence.
    • Company Settings. If Company settings are found, they will be used for all users, unless there are Company-User settings for a specific user.
    • User Settings.

If you see the message above after selecting the Company ID it means that the Company was not included when GP PowerPack installation was performed. To enable the Company database, please refer to the installation instructions for information on how to re-run the installation.

If you see the message above after selecting the Company ID it means that Color Settings has not been enabled (marked) in the GP PowerPack Setup window inside the selected company. GP PowerPack Setup is company-specific. You must enable Color Settings in each company database where you want the color settings applied.