Excel Map

Excel Map

The Excel file must not have Column Headers (data should start in Row #1).  Required fields must be provided. Optional fields can be provided but may be left blank.

A sample Excel file is shown below:


Columns must be in the position specified in the Excel Map section (i.e. Item Number must always be in Column B).

Col Name Required Notes
A MO Number NO If no MO Number is provided, the next MO Number generated by MFG will be used, or if WilloWare’s MO Doc Types is registered, it will generate an MO Number based on the selected MO Doc Type.

If neither of the above methods results in a new MO Number, the utility will create it by appending “M” to a date/time stamp (MMDDYYYhhmmss).

MO Number must not already exist in GP.

MO Number will be truncated at 30-characters and converted to upper case.

B Item Number YES ItemNumber will be truncated at 30-characters and converted to upper case. It must exist in GP.
C Quantity YES Cannot be negative, and must not have more decimal places than is allowed by the Item’s Quantity Decimals setting.
D Due Date YES Due Date cannot be blank, and must have one of the following formats:


E Scheduling Preference NO Scheduling Preference will be truncated at 20-characters. If provided in the file, it must exist in GP, and, it takes precedence over the other sources for Scheduling Preference.

A Scheduling Preference can also be entered on the MOGen window.  If present, it will be used when SchedPref is not provided in the import.  Lastly, MOGen will use the Default Scheduling Preference from MFG Setup if no other Scheduling Preference is provided.

Scheduling Preference is used to set the Draw From and Post To Sites on the MO, and the Scheduling Method (forward or backward).

F Routing Name NO Routing Name will be truncated at 30-characters and converted to upper case. If provided, it must exist in GP.

If not provided, the Item’s Primary Routing will be used.

G BOM Type NO If not provided the Item’s MFG BOM will be used.
H BOM Name NO If BOMType = 3 (ARCH BOM) or 4 (CONFIG BOM), a BOMName must be provided. The BOM must exist in GP.

BOM Name will be truncated at 15-characters and converted to upper case.

I Description NO If no Description is provided in the import, the MO Description from the MOGen window will be used.
J SOP Type NO Integer: 2 = Order, 3 = Invoice, 5 = Backorder. These are the only allowed values.
K SOP Number NO SOP Number will be truncated at 20-characters and converted to upper case.

SOP Number and Line Seq Number can be provided to have Create MOs link the new MO to a Sales Line. The Sales Line Quantity must be Backordered. Orders, Invoice and Backorders can be linked.

L Line Seq Number NO Line Seq Number is the line to which to MO should be linked. Note that this utility cannot be used to link to a Kit Component line.

An MO can be linked to only one Sales Line.

The Sales Line Site ID must match the Post To Site ID on the Scheduling Preference.