Frequently Asked Questions
Will the server need to be restarted during installation?
No. LabelLink, the label printing software, and label printer drivers do not need to be installed on the server. All software can be installed only on the client computer that will print labels.
Label printing software may require a computer restart depending on your Windows configuration. The label printer drivers may also require a computer restart.
If the software is installed on your server, such as in a Terminal Services or Citrix environment, you may need to restart the server.
Do all GP Clients need to be updated?
No. LabelLink and the other required software can be installed only on the computer (or computers) that will be used to print labels.
Which version of label printing software do I need?
LabelLink is not dependent on the label printing software version.
When I print labels, I see labels generated by a different user. Why does this happen?
If multiple users are printing labels, you must have a separate label report for each GP User ID. The label report must have a restriction by User ID.
When LabelLink generates labels into the LabelLink table, the User ID column will be populated automatically with the GP User ID who is printing the Labels. The label report must be created so that it pulls only the labels for the specific User. LabelLink will launch the correct label report for each user.
Why am I here?
Some questions are beyond the scope of this manual.