

HelpID: 460022018

Trace tracks all communication between the Dynamics GP client and the SQL database. This can be used for trouble-shooting, or to help track down which tables to use for reporting.

Navigation: Tools >> Utilities >> System >> Trace

The best way to use Trace is to have GP “ready” for the trace by setting up windows, or a transaction, that you want to monitor. For example, if you want to see which tables are used by the Item Maintenance window:

  1. Open an existing record in Item Maintenance
  2. Make a small change (such as changing the Shipping Weight)
  3. Start the trace (click START on the Trace window).
  4. Return to the Item Maintenance window and click the Save button.
  5. Stop the trace (click STOP on the Trace window).
  6. Click VIEW on the Trace window.

The View window displays the Trace Results in the following columns:

Row: this is a line number that increments for each line

Database: shows the database name used by the query

Table/Proc: shows the table name or stored procedure referenced in the query. Dynamics GP often uses stored procedures to communicate with the database. The table name is contained in the name of the stored procedure. For example, if the stored procedure name is zDP_IV40100F_1, this is a stored procedure that is communicating with the physical SQL table IV40100. Likewise, zDP_SY02000SS_1 is a stored procedure communicating with the table SY02000. This naming convention can be helpful in tracking down which tables are being used by a particular GP window or process.

Text: shows the full text of the communication being sent from GP to the database.