Routing Maintenance
HelpID: 519722014
Navigation: Cards >> Inventory >> Routing Maintenance
Use the Routing Maintenance window to provide work instructions for your manufacturing processes. Use of Routings is not required—an MO can be created for an Item without a Routing. Labor costs, Machine costs, and other overhead costs are added in the Bill of Materials using Service Items.
Item Number: select or enter an item number. If you are creating a routing for Multi-Product process, leave Item Number blank and mark the Multi-Product Routing box.
Routing ID: enter the name for the Routing.
Attachments: click the expansion arrow to open the Routing Attachments window. See the Routing Attachments chapter for more information. This is a list of documents that can be printed automatically when the MO is printed. You may choose to use the attachments function to link to documents that contain your Standard Operating Procedures rather than entering them in the Routing Operations. If you choose to do this, you do not need to enter any Operations.
Primary: if this is the first routing for an item, the box will automatically be marked. If an item has a primary routing it will be used automatically in the MO Entry window, although it can be changed on the MO if a different routing should be used. An item does not have to have a Primary routing.
Operation: The Operation Code is usually an incrementing number, like 10, 20, 30 and so on. The default spacing for Operations can be set in Manufacturing Setup. Enter an operation code, or accept the default, then provide a short description for the step, and detailed instructions.