Serial/Lot Entry
HelpID: 519722031
Inputs: Lot Entry
The scrolling buttons on the right and left of the Item Number field will scroll to the next/previous lot numbered Input item on the MO. Marking the Select box will default the Quantity Selected to the Quantity Required (if enough inventory exists). If you need to select a specific quantity, enter the quantity directly into the Quantity Selected field, and this will automatically mark the Selected box.
You can select multiple lots at a time before clicking the Insert button.
Click the Binoculars to Find a specific lot number. The Find window performs a “contains” search: if you enter “3” it will return all lot numbers that contain “3”. Enter a search criteria then press Tab—rather than clicking the Find button again with the mouse. Pressing Tab will execute the search and automatically close the Find window.
Inputs: Serial Entry
The scrolling buttons on the right and left of the Item Number field will scroll to the next/previous serialized Input item on the MO. After selecting the serial numbers for an Input item, click the Scrolling Button to move to the next serialized item rather than clicking OK, closing Serial Entry, selecting a new Input Line, then re-opening Serial Entry. Multiple serial numbers can be selected at one time from the Available Serial Numbers list. Clicking Insert will the move all selected serial numbers to the Selected Serial Numbers list.
Outputs: Lot Entry
If there are multiple lot-numbered Outputs, use the scrolling buttons on the right and left of the Item Number field to scroll through the lot numbered Output items on the MO.
You can enter multiple lot numbers and quantities before clicking Insert. Insert will then move all new lot numbers from the top window to the bottom (selected) lot numbers list.
Outputs: Serial Entry
The scrolling buttons on the right and left of the Item Number field will scroll to the next/previous serialized Output item on the MO. Multiple new serial numbers can be entered into the New Serial Numbers list before clicking Insert. Insert will then move all entered serial numbers to the Selected Serial Numbers list.