Serial/Lot Link Entry
Navigation: Transactions >> Inventory >> Serial/Lot Link Entry. This window is also available from the GoTo button on MO Entry.
HelpID: 519722035
When opened from the GoTo on MO Entry, the MO Number will already be selected.
The upper-left window shows Output serial/lots, and the upper-right window shows Input serial/lots.
Start by clicking on an Output serial/lot to select it. The field will flash blue, and select the serial/lot into the Item Number & Serial/Lot fields above the Inputs window. If the Output serial/lot is already linked to one or more inputs a “link” icon will appear next to the item number.
The bottom window shows existing serial/lot links.
Link Input serial/lots to the selected Output by marking the checkbox next to the Input serial/lot. Depending on your setup options, the Qty Selected may auto-fill (see Lean Mfg Setup). You can edit this quantity if desired. The total quantity selected cannot exceed the quantity available. If setup is not marked for “Use Serial/Lot Linking Qtys” the Qty Selected field will be zero. This allows linking the same Input to several different Outputs.
To break a link, select one or more lines from the bottom window, then click delete. Select multiple rows by holding down CTRL or SHIFT while clicking.