Setup Utilities
HelpID: 589922007
WARNING: these utilities mass delete data. They should never be against a live company database. Make backups of your databases before running these utilities.
Clear Manufacturing Tables and Drop All Triggers run automatically when the archive database is created using our Create Archive Utility.
You must enter an Archive Database on the Setup window before you can open the Utilities window.
The system will check whether data already exists in the Manufacturing tables. If it does, it must be cleared before using Mfg Data Archive or the archival process will generate errors.
If you manually created an archive database by restoring a backup of live, all utilities should be run before starting to use Mfg Data Archive and Company Data Archive.
Clear Manufacturing Tables: this process removes all manufacturing transaction data from the archive database.
Clear CDA Tables: (OPTIONAL): Only use this utility if you will be using Company Data Archive (CDA) from Professional Advantage. This utility removes all Dynamics GP transaction data for transactions covered by CDA. DO NOT run this if you have been using Company Data Archive and already have archived data.
Drop All Triggers: Dynamics GP databases have SQL table triggers that help keep different tables in-sync. When the archive software adds records to the archive database these triggers can execute, resulting in errors. Since Dynamics GP will not be used to create new transactions in the archive company, or to add, remove, or update master records, these triggers serve no purpose and must be dropped.