Remove MO Utility
Navigation: Tools >> Utilities >> Manufacturing >> Remove MO
This method of archiving is much slower than the Archive Processor Utility. We strongly encourage you to only use this window for archiving single MOs (or a very small number of MOs).
This window is part of GP Manufacturing. When MFG Data Archive is enabled, the title bar of the window will show <<MFG Data Archive ENABLED>>. If you do not see that MFG Data Archive is enabled, do NOT use this window.
Refer to the Manufacturing Online Help for information about how to use the Remove Manufacturing Orders window.
Begin by selecting an MO, or range of MOs using the From/To selections at the top of the window. Archiving MOs can take a long time, so start by selecting a small number of MOs so that it can complete the process and you can gauge how long it will take to archive a certain number of MOs. Based on the time it takes to process a small number of MOs (such as 10 or 100), you can calculate how long it will take to process a larger number.
You must mark to include Canceled and/or Close Orders and set a Last Change Date. The Change Date column is in the Work Order Master table (WO010032). You can then open the Restrictions window to see which MOs are included, and to manually mark/unmark manufacturing orders.
NOTE: the Remove MO process will only remove (and archive) MOs that are Canceled and/or Closed, and which meet a number of other checks to ensure they can be removed/archived. An MO can be included in the selection range, and appear as Marked in the Restrictions window, and still not be removed/archived.
After making selections, click the PROCESS button.
MFG Data Archive will take a “pre” snapshot to record statistics on the manufacturing tables.
Then the Manufacturing Order(s) will be archived. The process finishes by taking a “post” snapshot of table statistics.
Lastly, the MDA History window will open automatically. See the MDA History chapter later in this manual.