GPPowerPack 2024-05-22

Release Date: 22-MAY-2024
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
GP PowerPack Build: 8.177
* Sales Pro: when the View is set to Customer History or Customer Items, and the user enters an Item Number (or picks one from the Item Number Lookup), and the Item does not exist in the Customer’s History or list of Customer Items, the window will display ‘NOT FOUND’ next to the Item Number field. This helps prevent user errors when there are multiple Item Numbers that are similar because the scrolling window will be positioned with the ‘nearest’ Item Number that exists. For example, if “BOX-11” does not exist in the Customer’s History but “BOX-12” does, ‘NOT FOUND’ will display next to the Item Number field while the scrolling window will be positioned on “BOX-12”.