Enter your Dynamics GP Registration Keys before attempting to register your WilloWare software.
WilloWare software is fully functional in Fabrikam without entering registration keys. It will also be fully functional with or without keys in any <TEST> Company Database. You must put <TEST> into the Company Name. The <TEST> company feature allows you to test other features of WilloWare software without changing your live company registration keys.
Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> System >> Registration
From the Dynamics GP Registration window, select Additional >> Register GP PowerPack (or the name of your WilloWare software, such as MFG PowerPack or LabelLink).
The Registration window is identical for all WilloWare products. The example below uses GP PowerPack.
If you purchased your GP License from Microsoft, and your Site Name (see the GP Registration Window) matches your Organization’s Name, select “Based on Site Name”.
If you are hosted, and your Site Name is the name of your Hosting Company, select “Based on SQL Instance”. If you have access to SQL Management Studio, you can retrieve the SQL Instance Name by running this query in any database:
select SERVERPROPERTY(‘servername’)
If the Registration Window shows the “wrong” SQL Instance name, the server may have been created from an image and the SQL Server not renamed correctly. Please see these instructions on Microsoft Technet for more information:
Rename a Computer that Hosts a Stand-Alone Instance of SQL Server
NOTE: if the link does not work, Google the phrase above to find the article
Depending on the Key Type, this field will display either the Site Name from the GP Registration window, or the SQL Server Instance name. You can copy the text from this field and email it to WilloWare to assist in generating the correct registration key.
You can retrieve the key electronically by clicking the Get Key Online button. You can only have one active, electronic key at any given time. When you request a new key (i.e. for the latest version of GP), it will replace the older version of the electronic key. This does not mean the older version of the software will stop working. However, if you click Get Key Online in the older version of GP, it will retrieve the new key, which will be invalid for the old version of GP.
If you Get Key Online, skip down to Key Validation below.
You when purchased the software you received a Registration File. For example:
This file is NOT human-readable. It is imported into the software by the Registration window.
To import the Registration Key File, click the Folder button.
Click the OPEN button.
On the Registration window, click VALIDATE.
There are several pieces of information checked when you click Validate (or Get Key Online), and errors will be displayed if any of the checks fail. It checks the “KEY” value (i.e. information coded in the registration key) to the “GP” value (i.e. the GP Site Name, Version Number, Product ID, etc). If all of the validations pass (green checkbox), click SAVE.
Site Name: The Registration window will check that either the Site Name, or the SQL Instance name, matches the information provided to WilloWare.
Version: checks that the Major Build Number of software you requested from WilloWare matches the Dynamics GP version. If you requested GP2015 but are installing GP2016, it will create a Version Error because the Key will be for GP2015.
Product ID: checks that the WilloWare software your purchased is what is installed. Each product has a 4-digit Product ID provided by Microsoft. If you purchased GP PowerPack, but installed LabelLink, it will create a Product ID error.
Software Version: checks that the WilloWare software version matches the GP version. If you installed GP PowerPack for GP2015 into a GP2016 system, it will generate a Software Version error.
Expiration: for temporary keys, or yearly license keys, a check is performed to validate that the expiration date encoded in the key is a date in the future. WilloWare software regularly checks the Expiration Date, and when the key expires, it will disable the module.