Release Date: 14-OCT-2022
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
CompleteCount Build: 3.54
* Updated for GP18.5 Release
* Mass Add: (1) added Item Inactive flag to the selection criteria, (2) window clears everything when changing the Task, (3) Stock Count ID field now prompts to Add Count if the Count ID does not exist (4) Added Stock Count ID zoom
* Print Tags: Use Item Qtys Bin now only enables if multi-bin is not enabled
* Tag Reports: (1) All reports can now be sent to Excel, (2) Addressed issued in Variance to Report that could cause it to exclude captured not counted items.
* Tag Inquiry & Tag Entry: Added option on the bottom of the windows to change how the Captured Quantity is calculation, such as By Item Number, By Item-Site, By Item-Site-Bin, by Item-Site on Tag, by Item-Site-Bin(s) on Tag, etc.
* Tag Submit: This only affects situations where Count IDs are reused–added a control on HxNum in the CompleteCount history tables to keep it in sync with SEQNUMBR in the Stock Count history tables to help ensure that inquiries on historical counts/tags are able to tie Tags to the originating Stock Count when Stock Count IDs are reused. It is possible to submit tags, which increments the HxNum, but then delete the Stock Count before posting, which leaves HxNum +1 over SEQNUMBR. Alternatively, it is possible to reuse a Count ID, manually enter a count and post that which would cause SEQNUMBR to be +1 over HxNum. To prevent this, manually entered counts should not re-use Stock Count IDs.