V12.0.28 / 14.0.18 / 16.0.11 / 18.0.1
(1) Upgrade to GP2018
(2) Mass Add/Update: added view that shows Tolerance values when performing the Tolerance update
(3) Tag Submit: addressed issue in Item Allocation routine with bins that caused incorrect calculation of quantity counted in the bin
(4) New Reports: New Item-Site, New Site-Bin, New Item-Site-Bin
(5) Tag Reports window: (1)changed from list view to scrolling window to improve performance for all “Tags” reports (2) “Tags” reports can now be printed with a GP Report Writer report rather than exporting to Excel
(6) Help: (1) each window now provides access to the PDF manual, CHM context sensitive help, Online manual, and Online context sensitive help
(7) New 2-Wide by 4-Down stock tag