Customization DS1262: Discontinued Inventory

Customization DS1262

Discontinued Inventory

Problem Definition:

ACME uses Dynamics GP. When they discontinue an item, they need to ensure they sell the remaining inventory of the item before transitioning to its replacement, and they need to ensure the replacement item is purchased rather than the discontinued item.

GP supports some of this process, but other aspects of ACME’s requirements cannot be met with standard GP functionality.

  • ACME will list one or more replacements for a discontinued item using the Manufacturing Module’s “Alternate Items” window.

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  • Items can be marked as Inactive and/or Discontinued

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  • When a user changes an Item to be Discontinued on Item Maintenance, ACME would like the user to be prompted: Sell remaining inventory? YES/NO. If the user answers YES the Item Engineering “Use Up Part” checkbox will be marked automatically. ACME can mark/unmark the “Use Up Part” checkbox manually as needed.

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  • Purchase Order Entry will alert the user that the Item is Inactive and cannot be purchased. It will also prevent purchasing a Discontinued item. ACME requires that if an Inactive or Discontinued Item is entered on a Purchase Order, in addition to being alerted about the status of the item (Inactive/Discontinued) the user needs to be shown the replacement item(s) for the discontinued/inactive Item.

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  • Sales Order Entry will allow selling Discontinued items. It will not allow selling Inactive items. ACME requires that Sales Order Entry ONLY allow selling Discontinued Items if the Use Up Part checkbox is marked.

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  • ACME requires that when the remaining inventory of a Discontinued Item is sold, the Item should automatically be marked as Inactive. This will prevent any more sales of the item.
  • In Sales Order Processing, if a Discontinued Item is sold for which there is not enough inventory to meet the Customer’s order quantity, the Shortage Quantity Options window should only allow “Sell Balance”. The user should be alerted that the Item is Discontinued and shown the available replacement items.

Design Features:

Item Maintenance

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When a user changes the Item Type to DISCONTINUED, they will be prompted:

Sell remaining inventory? YES/NO

If the user answers YES, the “Use Up Part” checkbox on Item Engineering will be marked.

Purchase Order Processing

The messages normally presented by the PO Entry window for discontinued/inactive items will be suppressed and instead the user will see the new Alternate Items window:


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The discontinued/inactive Item will be shown at the top. One or more Alternate Items will be shown in the scrolling window at the bottom. This window will function like a “lookup” window, so that the user can double-click on one of the rows to use that Item Number on the Purchase Order.

Sales Order Processing

If an Item is Discontinued and “Use Up Part” is marked, and there is a quantity shortage, the Sales Quantity Shortage Options window will show only “Sell Balance.”

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The Alternate Items window (below) will also open automatically and position itself to the right-side of the Shortage Options window. The window has a couple of modes, and the mode below is Display Only. The user will continue, clicking OK on the Shortage Options window to sell the balance. The Alternate Items window will close automatically.

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The user can then open the Alternate Items window in Lookup Mode by pressing CTRL+Z, (or Additional>>Alternate Items.)

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Enter the Discontinued Item in the Item Number field. The scrolling window at the bottom will display the available alternate items. Double-click on an alternate to select it and use it in the Sales Transaction Entry window.


  1. The functionality described above will not work with eConnect, any software that uses eConnect, or any software that directly writes to, updates, or deletes from SQL tables.
  2. The functionality described above is intended for the GP Desktop client.
  3. Unless otherwise noted in this document, Word Template functionality is not addressed.
  4. The enhancement may not work with Rockton SmartFill.

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