Customization DS1293- MO Receipt Entry- Bin Selector Override

Customization DS1293

MO Receipt Entry – Bin Selection Override

Problem Definition:

ACME uses Dynamics GP Manufacturing. MO Receipts are performed on handhelds using Accellos.

Pertinent configuration:

  • Inventory multi-bin is enabled
  • Inventory is set to allow adjustment overrides. They frequently drive inventory negative.
  • None of the raw material items are serial or lot tracked
  • Manufacturing is NOT set to Allocate on Release
  • None of the Manufacturing “Display….Warning” checkboxes are marked in the MO Receipt and Close Options section of the Manufacturing Order Preference Defaults window.
  • They always backflush all components. Raw materials are never issued.

When attempting to perform an MO Receipt through Accellos, they often run into a situation where there is a shortage of one or more raw materials. This causes the Accellos processor to fail for that MO and it must be processed manually. Several warnings pop-up during this process:

A screenshot of a computer error

Description automatically generated

The user must then click into each component shortage, click the expansion button to open the Bin Selection window, enter the Bin and Qty. When the user clicks INSERT, they are prompted:

A screenshot of a computer error message

Description automatically generated

Clicking CONTINUE returns the user to the Bin Quantity Entry window but does NOT insert the selected Bin/Qty. The user must hit INSERT again.

ACME would like the MO Receipt Entry window to bypass the bin quantity checks and automatically draw inventory negative, if required, from the Item-Site Default Material Issue Bin (if that Bin has not been specified, use the Site’s Default Material Issue Bin).


WilloWare will create an enhancement for the MO Receipt Entry window that automatically creates the MO Receipt component bin quantity records “as if” the user had manually entered them.

This process will run immediately after the MO Number has been entered, and before the POST button is clicked. Because Accellos uses GP Macros to “type” data into the GP User Interface, this can be thought of as a user keying in data. In the time between entering the MO Number and clicking POST, the enhancement will jump in an automatically enter bin-quantity selections for each component on the picklist.

This will allow Accellos to then post the MO without having the bin related dialog boxes pop-up.

There will be no noticeable changes from the user interface that this process is occurring.

For information on this design, or any other WilloWare customization or product, please contact us: