V12.0.30 / 14.0.19 / 16.0.9 / 18.0.1
* First GP2018 Release
* Item Engineering: (1) creating Item Engineering records is now REQUIRED. Missing Item Engineering records will generate a warning to that effect if they are used in MO Entry.
* MO Entry: (1) Addressed issue in posting that left empty batch records in Batch Header/SY00500 (#20180802). (2) Added routine during installation that checks for empty LeanMFG batches and removes them. (3) Addressed issue that caused “selected record has been deleted by another user” error after clicking the Build Picklist button. (4) Added posting indicator that appears on the window while the posting process is running. (5) New posting routine prints Transaction Posting Journals rather than Inquiry Journals.
* Vendor Approval: NEW- Vendor Approval functionality. Enabling Vendor Approval will require that a Vendor is approved for purchase of an item before the item will be allowed on a PO.
* Added additional controls to keep LeanMFG transactions from being viewed in IV Transaction Entry.
* Doc Type Details: (1) Changed labels on Journal Printing options, (2) New Option: Show Unit Cost Warning–if enabled, shows a warning message if posting Output(s) would create split cost layers because the input costs do not divide evenly into the Output unit cost.
* New locally installed PDF documentation, and context sensitive CHM help