MFGPowerPack 2025-03-26

Release Date: 26-MAR-2025
GP Versions: 12/14/16/18
MFG PowerPack Build: 15.254
* PowerATP: (1) The “Available” Field label is now a dropdown box providing navigation to: Item Stock Inquiry, Bin Quantity Inquiry, Lot Number Inquiry, Serial Number Inquiry, Purchase Receipts Inquiry, and Item Quantities By Site (the lookup window), (2) PowerATP can now be opened from SOP Entry via the Additional Menu. It will automatically display the Item Number on the selected SOP Line. This provides another way to access PowerATP in addition to the “Open From SOP” option in the ATP Setup Option Set. The “Open From SOP” option takes over the SOP Entry expansion button that would open the GP ATP window and make it open the PowerATP window instead. (3) A new WARNING indicator appears next to Purch Lead Time & Mfg Lead Time if the ATP goes below zero within the Lead Time (i.e. if LT is 30 days and ATP goes negative within 30 days a warning sign appears next to the LT field).