MRP Move In, Move Out, Cancel in PowerATP


Today brings an exciting update to PowerATP–the ability to include in the ATP calculation MRP suggested cancels, move-ins and move-outs.  PowerATP can now give you an easy to understand view of the MRP suggestions and the impact they will have on inventory availability.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

The Red X shows MRP Cancel suggestions.  Not only is it showing Manufacturing Orders for BA100G that should be cancelled, but it is also showing the impact on BA100G from cancelled Manufacturing Orders for 100XLG (which eliminated the Picklist demand for BA100G).

Move-Ins are indicated with the UP ARROW.  MO0057-0001 is shown on the suggested move-in date of 5/12/2017 (the orignal due date was 6/29/2017).

Move-Outs are indicated with a DOWN ARROW.  They are shown on the suggested move-out date.

You can see the impact of the MRP suggestions by toggling the Include MRP checkboxes and refreshing the display.