As described in the Planned Releases section, add lines to a Firmed Release by marking the Release checkbox in the Planned Releases window. You can add several lines from the Planned Releases to a Firmed Release. For example, you could mark two Planned Releases for 128 SDRAM on different required dates, then switch to 256 SDRAM and add a couple more lines. Continue in the manner until you have included all Planned Release lines onto the Firmed Release before clicking the COMMIT RELEASE button.
If the Commit Release button has not been clicked, you can select a line in the Firmed Release window and remove it by clicking the Delete Line button.
If Release Minimums are specified in the Blanket Control Settings, you will not be able to commit the release until the minimums are met.
The Release Number increments by 1, automatically, when each new Firmed Release is created.
Use the Release Number dropdown list to select and view earlier releases.