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- Blanket PO cannot be used with Encumbrance Management.
- Blanket POs cannot be edited in the Edit Purchase Order Status window.
- All Items used on a Blanket PO must have the Purchase Tax Option = Nontaxable (on Item Maintenance). If tax is required, it must be manually calculated and added as a line item on each release.
- The Non-Inventoried Item Tax Option in Purchase Order Processing Setup must be set to Nontaxable.
- Trade Discount, Freight, Miscellaneous and Tax are not supported. These fields will be locked.
- The PO Line Number field in the PO Lines table (POP10110), limits the maximum number of rows (Control Lines plus all Release Lines) to 32,767. So a Control Line Increment (line number spacing between Control Lines) of 1000, allows for 32 control lines with 999 releases per control line. If you decrease the Control Line Increment, it will increase the number of possible control lines while decreases the number of possible releases.