Depending on the Control By setting (either Quantity or Cost), the Planned Releases section will show either the Quantity or Dollar Amount remaining. Enter the Quantity, Required Date, and Unit Cost for each Planned Release.
Location Code will default to the Site used on the Control Line, but it can be changed for Release.
When you are ready to firm a Planned Release and print a PO, mark the Release checkbox. This will add the line to the Firmed Release window.
Until you click the Commit button, you can remove lines from the Firmed Release window. Either select a line and click the Delete Line button, or unmark the Release checkbox in the Planned Release window.
You can put multiple items on a Release. Select a new item from window A (the treeview), then mark the Release box for a line to Release.
If Releases Minimums are specified, you will not be able to commit the release until the minimums are met.
If the Blanket Settings specify an End Date, and that date has passed, you will not be able to create a new release.
Repeat this process until all of the items you need to release have been added to the Release. The click COMMIT RELEASE.
DOUBLE-CHECK YOUR WORK FIRST! Once you firm a release by clicking the Commit Release button, you cannot “un-firm” the release. In the event such lines do need to be removed, cancel the quantities for the released lines in the Planned Release window.