Post Stock Count
HelpID: 524122046
Navigation: Transactions >> Inventory >> Post Stock Count
The final step in conducting a physical count is to post the Stock Count. The process of posting a Stock Count performs the following tasks:
- Any items with zero variance are moved to history. The normal GP Stock Count Entry “process” analyzes every line on the Stock Count even if there is no variance, which consumes quite a bit of time if there are a large number of lines where the quantity counted matches the captured quantity.
- An Inventory Variance transaction is created for each line on the Stock Count where Variance Quantity is not zero.
- If Autopost Stock Count Variances is marked the transaction will post automatically. Otherwise it is saved in an Inventory Batch.
- The remaining lines from the Stock Count are moved to history.
If an allocation prevents posting the Stock Count the line can be removed from the scrolling window. Select the line and click the Red X (delete line) button. You can also click into a line then right-click and select Delete Row from the pop-up menu.
To view Allocations, click into a line and click the ITEM ALLOCATION button.
CLEAR COUNT removes all count information from the Stock Count. If the Count Status is ENTERED, the CompleteCount information for the Stock Count has already been moved to history. If you clear the count you could either CANCEL the count in the Build Stock Count window, or print new tags, or re-import a count from a spreadsheet.
POST creates an Inventory Variance transaction for the lines that have a Variance Quantity other than zero.