Submitting Tags

Submitting Tags

HelpID: 524122013

Navigation: Transactions >> Inventory >> Submit Stock Tags

The Stock Tag Submission Wizard will prepare the Stock Tags so that they can be added and entered as the Counted Quantity on the Stock Count. The Stock Tag Submissions wizard begins by running a number of Preparation Tasks which are needed both to submit tags and for accurate reporting in several of the CompleteCount module reports.

Users cannot have the Stock Count open in any other window. The system checks for activity in the following windows:

  • Dynamics GP: Stock Count Schedule
  • CompleteCount: Build Stock Count
  • Dynamics GP: Stock Count Entry
  • CompleteCount: Tag Entry
  • CompleteCount: Stock Tag Submission Wizard
  • CompleteCount: Post Stock Count

If a Stock Count is being edited elsewhere in the system will receive a warning and be prevented from marking the count.

Multiple Counts can be submitted at the same time. Select the count(s) you want to submit by marking the checkbox.

Preparation Tasks Only: This checkbox is marked by default. The first step of the Stock Tag Submission process is to run a number of Preparation Tasks. These tasks need to be performed before the Tags can be submitted, and they also need to be run prior to running several of the CompleteCount reports. The checkbox prevents accidentally proceeding past the Preparation Tasks. Unmark the checkbox if you are Submitting the tags.

When you mark a Count for submission, CompleteCount will check that a count has been entered on at least one of the tags. If there are no counted items, or the count for all items is zero, you will receive this warning:

You can click NO, and the Count will not be marked for Submission. If the Count is correct (i.e. you want to set the On Hand inventory for all Items on the count to zero), click YES.

The Preparation Tasks screen shows the preparation tasks that will be performed before submitting the count, Each Preparation Task is discussed in detail in the Preparation Tasks section.

Click Next when ready to begin the Preparation Tasks. This step does not Submit the count(s). You can run Stock Counts through the Preparation Tasks at any point to see if there are errors, and then Cancel when they are complete.

If any task generates errors, there will be a red X next to the Task. The count(s) cannot be submitted if any errors occur.

Double-click on an error line to view the details. Click the PRINT button to print all errors.

The complete error message is displayed in the far-right column (scroll the window to the right to see the error message).

Tags can be opened by double-clicking the error line.

Click the Back Arrow button to return to the Task Preparation view from the Errors view.

If you encounter any errors, print the error report and close the Submission Wizard. You will need to resolve any errors and repeat the Submission process.

A quick way to resolve many errors is to set the Tag Status to Void or Excluded and delete the Item from the Stock Count. This will allow submitting the rest of the count while the problem items can be recounted.

NOTE: If you are using Tolerance and you encounter a tolerance error, see the Tolerance Section for instructions on how to address the issue. You will NOT be able to submit the Count until the tolerance issues are addressed.

Preparation Tasks: if you are only running the Preparation Tasks, stop here and close the window. If the “Preparation Tasks Only” checkbox is marked, and you click NEXT at this point, you will receive a warning that you must unmark the checkbox before continuing.

If there are no errors and you are Submitting the count, click Next.

Click the Submit button. This process will total the count for each Item-Site combination counted on the tags. The total quantity will be entered as the Counted Quantity and the Variance Quantity will be calculated.

See Submission Process for more detail.

When the process is complete, click Done. The Post Stock Count window will open.

Preparation Tasks

  • Void Unused Blank Tags: Sets the Tag Status to Voided on unused, Blank Tags.
  • Set uncounted, Assigned Tags to zero: An assumption is made that if an Assigned Tag does not have a count entered (i.e. the Tag Status is still New), that there is no inventory for that Item-Site or Item-Site-Bin. All such tags have a count entered of zero on the Tag, and the Tag status is set to Counted.
  • Create new Item-Site combinations in Inventory: For all Tags with a Status of Counted or Recounted, if the Item-Site on the Tag does not exist in GP, a new Item-Site record will be created. It also creates a new Site Master record, if needed.
  • Create new Item-Site-Bin combinations in Inventory: For all Tags with a Status of Counted or Recounted, if the Item-Site-Bin combination does not exist in GP, a new Item-Site-Bin record will be created. It also creates a new Site-Bin Master record, if needed.
  • Add new Item-Site combination to Stock Count: Adds new records to the Stock Count if an Item-Site or Item-Site-Bin combination was recorded on a Tag that was not originally on the Stock Count.
  • Validate Item Numbers, Sites & Bins: Checks that Items, Sites and Site-Bin records exist.
  • Calculate Tag Totals: Recalculates the total count recorded on each Tag to ensure to Tag Header quantity matches the Tag Details.
  • Check Serial Number Errors: Checks for the following-
    • Serial Numbers duplicated on another Stock Count
    • Serial Numbers counted in one Site/Bin but allocated in a Site/Bin that was not on the count
    • Serial Numbers that were counted, but that were not captured, because they are on an unposted transaction adding them to the system (i.e. they were put into inventory before the transaction was posted).
    • Serial Numbers duplicated within a Count (i.e. the same Serial Number was recorded on multiple Tags).
  • Recalculate Tag Error State: Rechecks that the steps above created missing records, and validates serial/lot quantities.
    • Item-Site recorded on Tag exists in GP
    • Item-Site recorded on Tag exists on the Count
    • Item-Site-Bin recorded on Tag exists in GP
    • Item-Site-Bin recorded on Tag exists on the Count
    • Quantity of Serial/Lot recorded matches total Item Quantity recorded
  • Reconcile Allocations
    • Item level allocations: this step is skipped if Allow Variance Overrides is enabled, otherwise it checks if the total quantity counted for an item is less than the quantity allocated.
    • Lot allocations: checks for Counted Lot Quantity less than Captured Lot Quantity. Lot allocations cannot be overridden because it could require unallocating inventory from a transaction.
    • Serial allocations: serial numbers Captured but not Counted need to have the quantity reduced to zero, they should not be allocated.
  • Check Tolerance: if Tolerance is enabled, checks for any Item where the total count is outside the allowed variance for that Item-Site.

Submission Process

If all Preparation Tasks are OK, the final step is submitting the count back into the Dynamics GP Stock Count. For each Counted or Recounted tag:

  • The quantity is added to the Stock Count line. The line is marked as Verified.
  • Captured Serial/Lot numbers are verified. If they were captured when the Count was started, they are marked as Verified and the Counted Quantity is set. See note below about FIFO/LIFO layers with Lot Controlled items.
  • New Serial/Lot numbers are added. If a new Lot Number is added, the Lot Attributes recorded in Tag Entry are used to set the Lot Attributes in GP.
  • Captured, un-counted Items have their count set to zero, and are marked as Verified. This means that Items that have no inventory do not need to have a “zero” count entered on a Tag because the count will be automatically set to zero if no count is recorded.
  • Captured, un-counted Serial/Lots have their count set to zero and are marked as Verified. A count of zero does not need to be recorded for Lot Numbers not found during the count because uncounted Lots will be automatically set to zero if no count is recorded.

FIFO/LIFO Layers and Lot Numbers

For various reasons, Dynamics GP will create multiple receipt records for the same Lot Number (as shown below). Among other factors, this can be caused by multiple PO Receipts, Sales and Returns, Transfers, and costing accuracy.

An inventory count will record the total quantity of LOT A but not break out the count to each specific receipt (which is often impossible to determine).

When CompleteCount reconciles the counted quantities from the Stock Tags (or imported with Excel Link), it will match the total counted quantity to the Captured Quantity based on the Item’s Valuation Method–FIFO or LIFO. Average Cost is treated like FIFO.

For example, using the example above, if CAP100 is FIFO and you counted 9, CompleteCount would start “allocating” the counted quantity from the tags on line 6 and work towards line 3. The result would be that the Counted Quantity on line 3 is 6 instead of 7 (Variance Quantity = -1). The “first” FIFO layer would be adjusted down by 1.

Conversely, LIFO is handled in the opposite direction. CompleteCount would start “allocating” the counted quantity from the tags on line 3 (setting Counted Quantity = 7) then moving towards line 6. Counted Quantity on line 6 would be left at zero (Variance Quantity = -1).

Adding inventory is more arbitrary—if the Captured Quantity of LOT A is 10 but the Counted Quantity is 15, where do the extra 5 go? Without a way to identify them more precisely, they could belong to any, or all, of the receipts, or could belong to a “new” receipt. CompleteCount handles increases based on the Item’s FIFO or LIFO setting.

With FIFO or Average Cost Items, the additional quantity is added to the “most recent” receipt layer.

With LIFO Items, the additional quantity is added to the “oldest” receipt layer.