Accepting an Estimate
If your customer accepts the estimate, the ME can be transferred into GP to be used by Manufacturing to produce the item.
Clicking the ACCEPT will perform the following checks:
- WilloWare’s MFG PowerPack is installed. ME uses an integration to Item Copy to produce new items in GP.
- The correct minimum version of MFG PowerPack is installed.
- Item Copy is registered under either the Suite License or the Item Copy API license.
- At least one Estimation Quantity is marked Accepted.
- A Manufacturing Routing does not already exist with the Item Number and BOMID (BOMID is used as the Routing Name).
- That a Configured BOM does not already exist with the Item Number and Routing Name specified on the Estimate.
If those checks pass, you will be asked to confirm you are ready to accept the ME. You may cancel at this point.
The Accept process performs the following:
ME Items: if “new” items are on the BOM they will be created as “real” items in the GP Inventory Module. The ETO module connects to the Item Copy utility in WilloWare’s MFG PowerPack Suite to create the new items. The new items are created by copying the setup information from a Source Item to the new item. Refer to the MFG PowerPack documentation for more details on how Item Copy works. The following information will be copied from the Source Item to the New Item:
- Item Master (IV00101)
- Serial/Lot Mask (IV00109)
- MFG IC Cost Item Master (CT00102)
- MFG IC Cost Standard Item Class Default (CT00003)
- MFG IC IV Standard (ICIV0323)
- Item Currency Master (IV00105)
- Item Price List Options (IV00107)
- Item Price List (IV00108)
- Item Quantity Master (IV00102) – quantities are zeroed
- Item Site Bin Master (IV00112)
- Item Site Bin Priorities (IV00117)
- Item Purchasing (IV00106)
- Multiple Manufacture Items Master (IV00115)
- Item Vendor Master (IV00103)
- Item Kit Master (IV00104)
- MFG Fulfillment Item Master (IS090000)
- MFG Item Engineering File (IVR10015)
- MFG Alternate Parts (IVR10100)
- MFG QA Item Procedure (QA160032)
- SVC Item Master Extensions (SVC00951)
- If a Vendor was specified on the Add/Edit Component window, the Item-Vendor record will be updated (if it exists), or it will be created, and the Quoted Unit Price will be moved into the Last Invoice Cost/Originating Invoice Cost.
- Bills of Material: all “new” Bills of Material from the ME will be created in GP Manufacturing as Configured BOMs with the ME BOMID becoming the BOM Name. If a MFG BOM type does not exist for the item a MFG BOM will also be created.
- For Standard Cost items the complete “rolled-up” costing information will be pushed into the manufacturing costing tables, and the Standard Cost will be set on Item Maintenance. For Actual Cost items the Current Cost will be set on Item Maintenance.
- Depending on ETO Setup, the largest accepted Estimation Quantity will be set as the Prorate Setup Quantity in Manufacturing. Depending on Costing Setup in GP Manufacturing, this quantity is either set in the Average Quantity on the Item Engineering window, or in the Standard Quantity on Standard Cost Changes window.
- Routings: all “new” Routings from the ME will be created in GP Manufacturing. The BOMID will become the Routing Name. If a Primary Routing does not exist for the item, the new Routing will be set as Primary.
- BOM-Routing Links: the links will be created using the “Number of Total” option on the Manufacturing BOM-Routing Link window. They will be created for the Configured BOM, and also for the MFG BOM (if one was created).
- Sales Link: if the Quote used a non-inventory item, the item will be converted to a Sales Inventory item. This step ensures that when the item is produced by a manufacturing order, the Quote, when transferred to an Order or Invoice, will allocate the inventory. The quote line will be recalculated using the accepted Estimation Quantity, Unit Cost and Unit Price. If multiple Estimation Quantities are marked Accepted, additional lines will be added to the Quote.
- The ME BOM Status is set to Accepted. This locks the ME and prevents further changes to it.