Deleting An Estimate

Deleting an Estimate

HelpID: 699222040

Clicking the DELETE button on the ME window checks if the selected BOM is in use as a subassembly on another BOM. If so, it cannot be deleted. It must first be removed from the BOMs where it is a component. See Where Used Inquiry.

The Delete Options are:

  • This BOM Only
  • All BOMs by BOMID

This BOM Only

The following will be deleted:

  • The currently selected BOM
  • All first-level ME components. Subassemblies with their on ME BOMs will not be deleted.
  • All Attachment links. The attachments will not be deleted.
  • The Sales Link, if one exists. The Sales Transaction will not be affected.
  • Other Costs
  • The top-level Routing. Routings for sub-assemblies will not be deleted.
  • Costing information.


All of the records described above will be deleted for all ME BOMs that have the same BOM ID. When creating an estimate it is good practice to use the same BOM ID for any subassemblies created for the estimate. If a subassembly is designed specifically for the estimate (i.e. you create a ME BOM for the subassembly) use the same BOM ID as is used for the top-level item. Then if the estimate is deleted, selected the All BOMs by BOM ID option will remove all of the related subassembly BOMs.