Bin to Bin Transfers

Bin-to-Bin Transfers

HelpID: 502622045

Bin-to-Bin Transfers creates a bin-to-bin inventory transfer with a transaction record, whereas the GP Bin-to-Bin Transfer window creates an “instantaneous” transfer with no record in history.

The WilloWare Bin-to-Bin transaction, is a real inventory transfer transaction which once posted, appears in inventory history inquiries just like any other inventory transfer or transaction. The benefits are:

    • The ability to create a Bin-to-Bin Transfer using the regular Item Transfer Entry window with which users are already familiar
    • The Bin-to-Bin Transfer creates an actual transaction in GP to document the movement of inventory
    • Create large transfers involving many different items at one time
    • Save and post Bin-to-Bin Transfers in Batches


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Company >> Setup GP PowerPack

Mark the box next to MODULE: Bin-to-Bin Transfers, then click DONE.

The feature will be enabled for the current user. Other users must restart their Dynamics GP client to enable this feature.

Using Bin-to-Bin Transfers

Navigation: Transactions >> Inventory >> Transfer Entry

From the Item Transfer Entry window, select Extras >> Additional >> Bin To Bin On/Off (or press CTRL+B).

Making this selection will toggle the Bin-to-Bin Transfer enhancements. When it is ON, the Title Bar of the window will change to:

Item Transfer Entry – Bin To Bin ENABLED

Also, the TO “Default Site ID” field will be locked. When the FROM site is entered, the TO site will default to the same value (the two must be the same when entering a bin-to-bin transfer). Before you can click into the scrolling window the system will check that the FROM/TO sites are populated.

In this mode, when you enter lines on the transaction they will be created as bin-to-bin transfer lines between bins in the same Site.

You can turn off the enhancement to add regular lines on the same transaction, or, you can simply change the From or To Sites as needed to perform a transfer between sites in a multi-bin environment.

The Quantity Type on bin-to-bin lines cannot be changes. If you click into an existing Bin-to-Bin line on the transaction, and click the Quantity Type button, the following message will be displayed:

Bin to Bin Transfer line. Quantity Type cannot be changed.

A Transfer with Bin-to-Bin lines can be posted from

    • Item Transfer Entry
    • Inventory Batch Entry
    • Inventory Series Posting
    • Master Posting

Two additional enhancements have been added to the Inventory Transaction Inquiry window for viewing Bin-to-Bin information on posted transactions. Clicking the BINS button or SERIAL/LOT button will open new Inquiry windows that display both the From and To bins used by that transaction.

From the Inventory Transaction Inquiry window, select a Bin-to-Bin transfer. Select one of the lines, then click the BINS button. The window below will open:

Bin-to-Bin Transfer Inquiry Window

For Serial/Lot numbered items, click the SERIAL/LOT button to open a similar window showing the From/To bins for each serial or lot number: