Site To Bin Migration

Site to Bin Migration Utility

HelpID: 502622017

When implementing Multi-Bins in the Dynamics GP, the Site To Bin Migration Tool provides an easy way to quickly move all On Hand inventory from multiple Locations into meaningful, named Bins in a new Master Site. In other words, the utility performs an automated conversion from a Multiple-Site implementation, to a Single-Site with Multiple-Bins implementation, where each Site Name is converted into a Bin Name in a new “Master Site”.

Without the Site-To-Bin Migration Utility, when multi-bins is enabled GP will put all inventory into a single bin called AUTOCREATE, and inventory must be manually transferred into named bins.

Every Location Code in the current environment will become a Bin inside of the new Master Site, and an Inventory Transfer will move all inventory from existing Locations into the Bins in the new site.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Company >> Setup GP PowerPack

Mark the box next to MODULE: Site to Bin Migration Utility.

Restart your Dynamics GP client to enable this feature. Other users must restart their Dynamics GP client to enable this feature.

Using Site-to-Bin Migration Utility

Navigation: Tools >> Utilities >> Inventory >> Site to Bin Migration Tool

IMPORTANT: The following steps must be executed in order:

  1. Enable Multi-Bins. Follow the instructions in the Inventory Manual, and run the suggested Reconcile and Checklinks procedures. Be sure to re-run Inventory Reconcile at least once to confirm no errors are generated. After enabling multi-bins and running the reconcile procedures, all inventory will exist in a Bin in each site called AUTOCREATE.
  2. Create a new Master Site with no bins. All inventory will be migrated to this new site.
  3. Open the Site To Bin Migration window. This must be run by SA, and no other users can be logged into the Company. Site To Bin Migration will open only if both conditions are met.


Create or select an Inventory Batch, then pick the Destination Site.

In the scrolling window map Source Sites to Destination Bins. You can keep the same name for the Bin as was used for the Site, or use the migration process as an opportunity to rename the Sites/Bins.

The first step of the migration process will create the new Bins in the Destination Site using the Bins provided in the mapping window.

Multiple Sites can be migrated to the same bin.

Click the PROCESS button. You will be asked to confirm you are ready to begin.

The first step will create a Bin in the Destination Site for each of the original Sites using the Site-Bin mapping. In the example above, NORTH and SOUTH are both mapped to a Bin called MAIN.

All Available Inventory will be transferred. Allocated Inventory quantities will remain in the original Sites. With Lots and Serials it is possible to allocate inventory without allocating specific Lots or Serials. For these items enough of a Lot or Serial will be left in the original Site to fulfill the allocation.

New Item-Site, and Item-Site-Bin records will be added as needed.

Progress will be displayed in the box at the bottom of the window.

When the migration is complete the status will display DONE.

Click on the Document Number Zoom to open the Inventory Transfer.

Posting the transfer will move all un-allocated inventory to the new site and bins.