POP Require PURCH Account in PO Entry

POP: Require PURCH Acct in PO Entry

Enabling this Tweak makes the Inventory/Purchases/Drop-Ship Account a required field. This is intended primarily for use when entering a Purchase Order for Non-Inventory Items, where the Purchases Account should be entered on each line to correctly track the expense.

If a default account is provided through the setup on the Item, Vendor, or Posting Account Setup, enabling this Tweak will have no effect because the Account Number will always be populated.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Company >> Setup GP PowerPack

Mark the box next to TWK-POP: Require PURCH Acct in PO Entry

The feature will be enabled for the current user. Other users must restart their Dynamics GP client to enable this feature.

Using Require PURCH Acct in PO Entry

This Tweak forces use of the Purchasing Item Detail Entry window to enter new lines. If you click into an empty line on the main PO Entry window, the Item Detail Entry window will open automatically.

After entering the Item Number, if the Inventory/Purchases/Drop-Ship Account is empty, the field will turn red, and it will also become required. An Account Number must be provided in order to save the record.