SOP Rules

SOP: Rules

HelpID: 502622028

SOP Rules are a sub-set of Tweaks that provide a collection of “automations” for Sales Transaction Entry. For example, the SOP Rule for “Default Location Code by User ID” will automatically set the Location Code based on the User ID, and the SOP Rule for “Default Document Type by User” will set the SOP Document ID based on the User ID. The SOP Rules module supports the following:

  • Batch ID change on fulfillment
  • Batch ID default by User ID
  • Buyer ID by Document ID
  • Buyer ID by User ID
  • Doc ID default by User ID
  • Doc ID based setting of Required User Defined Fields
  • Location default by Customer ID
  • Location default by Document ID
  • Location Default by User ID
  • Secure Batch ID by User ID
  • Transfer to Batch ID based on Document ID


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Company >> Setup GP PowerPack.

Mark the checkbox next to “SOP Rules*” to enable the module. Open the SOP Rules Setup window either by clicking on “SOP Rules*” in the GP PowerPack Setup window, or from to GoTo button in the upper-right corner of the GP PowerPack Setup window.

Performing Setup

  1. Select a Rule Type
  2. Provide the required fields in the top section of the window (such as User ID and Batch ID).
  3. Click SAVE.
  4. The new Rule will display in the list view window at the bottom of the SOP Rules Setup window.

Editing or Deleting a Rule

  1. Select a Rule Type
  2. Double-click on a Rule in the list view. The Rule will populate the fields in the top section of the window.
  3. Make changes, or, click the Delete button to remove the rule.

Changes (such as adding a new rule, deleting a rule, or changing an existing rule) will be applied to the current user when the window closes. Other users will need to log-out and log-in again for the changes to take effect.

IMPORTANT: Several rules have similar and/or potentially conflicting functions. The system will not prevent you from creating conflicting rules. For example, you could define a Default Site by User that conflicts with Default Site by Customer.

Using SOP Rules

Batch ID Change on Fulfillment

For an Order or Invoice Document ID, assign a “Ready To Invoice” Batch ID. When a transaction is saved with any quantity fulfilled on the lines, the Batch ID will automatically be changed to the Ready To Invoice Batch ID.

Use this rule to automate a business process where one person (or group) performs fulfillment and another person (or group) performs invoicing. The fulfillment person does not need to remember to change the Batch ID after fulfilling, and the invoicing person can just watch for new documents in the Ready To Invoice Batch.

Batch ID Default by User ID

Assign a SOP Batch ID by User. When the user creates a new transaction the Batch ID will default in automatically. An optional setting allows locking the Batch ID field so it cannot be changed by the user.

Buyer ID by Document ID

Link a Buyer ID to a SOP Document ID.  When SOP-POP creates a Purchase Order it will populate the Buyer ID on the PO with the Buyer ID linked to the SOP Document ID.  The system will use Buyer ID linked to Document ID first.  If one does not exist it will use Buyer ID linked to User ID, if present.

Buyer ID by User ID

Link a Buyer ID to a User ID.  When SOP-POP creates a Purchase Order it will populate the Buyer ID on the PO with the Buyer ID linked to the User ID.

Document ID Default by User ID

Assign a default Document Type ID by User ID. For example, each Sales Order created by LESSONUSER1 will default to “SORD” while those for LESSONUSER2 will default to “NORD”.

Document ID Required UDFs

Make any of the ten SOP User Defined Fields a Required Field. The setup is done per SOP Document Type ID (i.e. STDORD vs. PHNORD), so different fields can be required for each Document ID. For example, STDORD orders might require a Confirmation field, while STDQTE quotes might require a custom Date field.

When enter a new document, if the Document ID has required fields, when the Customer ID is selected the User Defined Fields Entry window will open. Required Fields will be shown in Bold, Red font. The window cannot be closed until the required fields are provided.

Location Default by Customer ID

Assign a default Location Code by Customer ID. An optional setting allows the Location Code field to be locked so it cannot be changed. All sales transactions for a Customer will automatically be assigned to their Default Site.

The lines will also default to the Default Site. This overrides the normal GP logic that sets the Site on a new line based on the Site used on the previous line. With this Rule enabled a user can change the site on a per line basis, but all new lines will still default to the Default Site (unless the “lock” option is marked in setup).

Location Default by Document ID

Assign a default Location Code by Document ID. An optional setting allows the Location Code field to be locked so it cannot be changed. When a new transaction is created, the Site ID will be set based on the Document ID.

The lines will also default to the Default Site. This overrides the normal GP logic that sets the Site on a new line based on the Site used on the previous line. With this Rule enabled a user can change the site on a per line basis, but all new lines will still default to the Default Site (unless the “lock” option is marked in setup).

Location Default by User ID

Assign a default Location Code by User ID. An optional setting allows the field to be locked so it cannot be changed. All sales transactions created by a User will automatically be assigned to their Default Site.

The lines will also default to the Default Site. This overrides the normal GP logic that sets the Site on a new line based on the Site used on the previous line. With this Rule enabled a user can change the site on a per line basis, but all new lines will still default to the Default Site (unless the “lock” option is marked in setup).

Secure Batch by User ID

A Secure Batch prevents users from accessing another user’s transactions in Sales Transactions Entry. Only the user (or users) assigned to a given Batch to access transactions in that Batch. All other users will receive a warning when trying to access these documents, and they will not be allowed to put a new document into a Secure Batch that does not belong to them.

Transfer To Batch by Document ID

Normally GP keeps documents in the original batch, so if an order is transferred to an invoice, it might still be in a batch called MAY_ORDERS. Transfer To Batch by Document ID links a destination Batch ID with the “transfer to” Document ID.

For example, if the Order ID of STDORD is set up to use the Invoice ID of STDINV, you can link STDINV to a Destination Batch ID of READY2INV. When orders are transferred to invoice they automatically go into a new batch.

Once this Rule has been set up, it will be applied to all newly created documents. Also, any document that is viewed in Sales Transaction Entry will also be updated (i.e. the transfer to Batch ID will be set), if the Transfer To Batch ID is blank.

If the assigned Batch ID does not exist, it will be created automatically. The Checkbook ID from Sales Order Processing Setup will be assigned to the Batch.