

HelpID: 543522003

Attributes are observed, qualitative attributes of an item or process. For example, COLOR could be an attribute if it is recorded as RED or BLUE. However, it could also be a variable if the wavelength of emitted light is recorded as 650nm or 475nm.

Attribute ID: Enter an ID for the Attribute. An Attribute ID cannot be repeated on a Data Sheet.

Notes Button: The NOTE button can be used to store a longer description for the Attribute.  For example, it can be used to record instructions on how to observe and record the attribute.  The notes will print on the Datasheet and Datarecord reports, and will be available in the Data Record Entry window.

Description: Enter a description for the Attribute. The description will appear as the “prompt” in the Data Record Entry window, so a Description like “Enter Agent ID” may be preferable to just “Agent ID”.

Position Number: By default, the system will set the Position Number to the next available increment of 10.  If you have entered 10, 20, and 30, you can insert a new Attribute at 11 by keying in Position Number 11 when creating a new Attribute.

Use Position to control where Attributes and Variables appear in the Plan.  NOTE: Attributes and Variables cannot have overlapping Position numbers. IPT will warn you if a Position Number you manually entered overlaps with an existing Position Number.

Type: The Type controls the datatype used for the field. The options are:

  • Checkbox: The Data Record Entry window will show the Attribute Description and provide a checkbox.
  • Date: The Data Record Entry window will show the Attribute Description and a date field.
  • String – Free Type: The Data Record Entry window will show the Attribute Description and a blank, 50-character string field.
  • String – Lookup: When Lookup is selected, the Lookup Values button becomes enabled. For Lookup fields you must also create a list of allowed values. The Data Record Entry window will allow the user to type in one of the pre-defined values or select a valid value from a Lookup. Invalid entries will not be accepted.
  • Customer Number: The Data Record Entry window will display a Customer Number field. The user can type-in a valid Customer Number or select one from the Lookup.
  • Serial / Lot Number: The Data Record Entry window will display a Lot Number field. The Lot Number lookup will show ALL Lot Numbers for the Item on the Data Record Entry window.
  • User ID: The Data Record Entry window will display a User ID field. The user can enter a valid User ID or select one from the Lookup.
  • Vendor ID: The Data Record Entry window will display a Vendor ID field. The user can enter a valid Vendor ID or select one from the Lookup.