HelpID: 543522011
Record Numbers are document numbers for each Dynamics GP Transaction where you will use IPT. For example, if you will record an Item Data Record for RMA’s and Manufacturing Orders, you need to create Record Numbers for those two transactions. The other transactions can be left blank.
NAVIGATION: Tools >> Setup >> Inventory >> IPT Setup
Enable PO Rev – Data Sheet Rev Link: if you have WilloWare’s Manufacturing PowerPack installed, this option will be available, otherwise the checkbox will be locked. The PO Rev Link checks the Rev Level of an item on a PO Line when it is received and attempts to create a Data Record using the assigned Rev Level.
For example, if the PO Line Rev for an item is 1.2, but the current Data Sheet Rev is 2.0, the Data Record will be created using the 1.2 version of the Data Sheet.
If IPT Routings are used, and a Data Record is created automatically when the PO Receipt is posted, the Data Record will be created using the PO Rev (if it matches an existing Data Sheet Rev). If no matching rev can be found, the Data Record will be created using the current rev of the Data Sheet.
When manually entering a Data Record where the Source Document is a PO Receipt, if the PO Line Rev matches a non-current Data Sheet, you will be prompted to choose if you want to create the Data Record using the PO Rev, the Current Rev, or to manually pick a different rev.
Record Numbers: Make sure that each numbering sequence is unique (i.e. do not use IPT0001 for each transaction type) and has enough zeros in the number to allow for future use (i.e. IPT 001 only allows 999 transactions). You only need to provide Record Numbers for transactions you will use in IPT.