

HelpID: 542422022

The Preview window, accessed from the LabelLink window, shows the label data generated by LabelLink as it will be sent to the LabelLink table for printing.

You can delete one or more labels by selecting the row, or rows, to delete, then clicking the Remove Selected Rows button. You might do this if you need to reprint one specific label.

The Preview window shows the prepared barcode label data. Each row in this window will become one label. If you entered a Copy Quantity greater than one, you will see multiple copies of each label in the Preview window.

You can multi-select rows and delete them if you want to only print labels for a specific item on a transaction.

    • Select multiple records to delete by holding down CTRL while clicking on rows.
    • Select a range of records to delete by clicking on the first record, then pressing SHIFT and clicking on the last record in a range.

You can Edit individual labels by clicking on a row, then clicking the Edit Labels button, or by double-clicking on a label. See the Edit Labels chapter for more information.

Click BACK to return to the LabelLink window or click PRINT to send labels to the LabelLink table and launch the selected label report.