SmartList Labels
Before reading this section, please review the rest of the LabelLink manual so you have a complete understanding of how LabelLink works in general. The SmartList integration has special functionality which is explained below by referring to differences to “normal” LabelLink functionality.
The LabelLink SmartList integration provides the ability to print labels using ANY data available in a SmartList. If you have a 3rd party product, or a customization, you can pull data into a SmartList favorite, and from there send it out to your label printer via LabelLink.
Where LabelLink printing normally uses the LabelLink SQL view, SmartList labels require writing reports using a sql view called LabelLinkSLView and LabelLinkSLAutoView.
NOTE: there is also a SQL table called W5424002. The views, LabelLinkSLView and LabelLinkSLAutoView, right-trims spaces off each of the 30 array fields, so the view should be used for reporting purposes. Many label design packages will attempt to print trailing spaces, and since GP space fills all strings, formatting the space filled strings can be difficult. Use the views to avoid these formatting issues.
The layout of LabelLinkSLView is similar to the LabelLink view. The key columns are Machine_ID, USERID and LNSEQNBR. There will be one record in the table per label.
Sample data in LabelLinkSLView
However, unlike the LabelLink view, which has columns that align to the GP source fields (such as Quantity, U of M, SOPNumber, etc), LabelLinkSLView has an array of 30 string fields. When LabelLink opens from SmartList it reads the currently displayed data from SmartList into LabelLinkSLView.
The example above shows several rows from a SmartList of Sales Transactions.
In the LabelLink window, the Array Number for each column is shown in parentheses. When you create a label report it will be helpful to open LabelLink from the SmartList favorite you want to use so that (1) the window shows which array number contains the data you want, and (2) LabelLinkSLView contains data to work with.
Copies: change the number of copies of each label by entering a different number in the Copies field. The window will redisplay to show the new label data.
Label: the Label dropdown list shows the available labels assigned to the current User ID. Since labels for SmartList pull data from LabelLinkSLView, and normal LabelLink labels pull from the LabelLink view, the two labels are not compatible. To help avoid confusion, develop a naming convention for your labels to help separate the SmartList labels, such as adding an “SL_” prefix to the label name (shown below).
Manual Entry
The SmartList Label data can be edited in the Manual Entry window. The Summary View shows the first two fields for each row.
The Detail View shows all 30 fields. You can edit any of the fields, including any “empty” fields which do not have column headers from the SmartList favorite. These additional fields can be added to a label, but the only place you will be able to view the data is in the Manual Entry window.
SmartList Label Design
IMPORTANT: The label report you create is dependent on the order columns in your SmartList. The columns must remain in exactly the same order. Using the example data above, if you want to print SOP Number on the label you will put StrArray_3 on the label. If you then rearrange the SmartList so the Document Date comes before SOP Number, Document Date will appear in StrArray_3.
LabelLinkSLView has an array of 30 string fields, each 255-characters. LabelLink will retrieve the first 30 columns from the displayed SmartList.
One or more rows can be removed from the list by clicking on a row (or pressing CTRL_click to select multiple rows), then clicking the Remove Selecting Rows button.