MO Document Type Setup
HelpID: 519722026
Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Inventory >> MO Doc. Type Setup
MO Document Types work like Sales Document Types, in that they allow you to create different numbering sequences for different types of Manufacturing Orders. In addition, the MO Doc Type is linked to a BOM Type. This ensures that only specific types of Manufacturing Orders are created with a selected Document Type. For example, a DISASM Document Type could be linked to BOM Type Disassembly.
MO Doc Type: enter an alpha-code for the document type (15-characters). For example, Disassembly Manufacturing Orders might have a document type called DISASM.
BOM Type: select the associated BOM Type. In the example above, you would select Disassembly. The BOM Type cannot be changed when creating an MO, so the DSM MO must use a Disassembly BOM.
Next MO Number: enter the starting MO Number for the Doc Type (for example, DSM000001). Be sure to leave enough zeros to handle future numbering requirements.
Default: The Doc Type marked as default will be displayed automatically when the MO Entry window opens. You do not need to mark an MO Doc Type as a default. If you do not, you will need to select the Doc Type before starting a new MO.
Document Type Settings
Click the MO Doc Type expansion button (see Red Arrow above) to open the Document Type Details window. Document Type Details is used to enter Setup Options on a per-Document Type level which vary from the defaults created in System Setup. See the System Setup chapter for more detail on each setting.
NOTE: To use the Disassembly Wizard you must create a MO Document where the BOM Type is Disassembly.