BOM Import Field Map

BOM Import Field Map

The import process will trim leading and trailing spaces from all string fields, and convert to upper case where appropriate.

BOM Header Map

The BOM Header fields in the import file should REPEAT for each component row. For example:

Columns A and D are BOM Header fields, while B and C are BOM Line fields. Having Rev 4 only in the first row for 102XLG is incorrect. The import will interpret this import file as have two Rev Levels for 102XLG, blank and “4”.

The example above shows columns A and D populated correctly.

Field Reqd. Default Validation
Parent Item Yes Must be <= 30 characters, upper case.

Parent Item must be present on every row.

If the Item Number does not exist yet in GP, a Parent Template Item must be provided.

Must have an Item Engineering Record with BOM Should Treat As setting of “Make” or “Make/Buy”.

Parent BOM Type 1 (Regular) On the MFG BOM Maintenance window the label for the BOM Type field is “BOM Category”.

1 = Regular

3 = Phantom

No other BOM Types are supported.

Parent BOM Category 1 (MFG) On the MFG BOM Maintenance window the label for the BOM Category field is “BOM Type”.




4 = Config BOM

5 = Super BOM

Parent BOM Name blank Required if Parent BOM Category is Archived or Configured. If Parent BOM Name is provided but not Parent BOM Category, BOMImport will assume BOM Type= CONFIGURED.

BOM Name must be <= 15 characters.

Revision Level  See note 1 Rev Level must be <=50 characters (this is an alphanumeric field).

If the Import Map Option to Revision Existing BOMs is selected, the Rev Level is required, and must not already exist in GP for the Parent Item.

Effective Date System Date Format must be mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy (10/20/15 or 3/20/2012)
Parent Template Item  See note Blank Must be <= 30 characters, upper case, and exist in the Item Master.

Required if the Parent Item does not exist in GP.

Must have an Item Engineering Record with BOM Should Treat As setting of “Make” or “Make/Buy”.

Parent Item Description See note blank Must provide a description if Parent Template Item is used.

Item Description must be <= 100 characters.

Parent Backflush 0 (false)  This is the Backflush setting on the Parent Item side of the BOM window.



Parent Issue From blank Found on the Bill of Materials Defaults window.

Must be <= 10 characters, upper case, and exist in the Site Master.

Parent Issue To blank Found on the Bill of Materials Defaults window.

Must be <= 10 characters, upper case, and exist in the Site Master and Work Center Master.

Routing Template Item Blank You can create a routing for the Parent Item by providing a Routing Template Item.
Routing Name Blank By default, the new routing’s Routing Name will be the Parent Item Number.

If a Routing Name is provided, that will be used instead of the default.


BOM Lines Map

Field Reqd. Default Validation
CPN Yes Must be <= 30 characters, upper case.

Child Item (CPN) must be present on every row.

Must have an Item Engineering Record.

If the Child Item does not exist yet in GP, a Child Template Item must be provided.

Must have a Valuation Method Compatible with the Parent Item: an Actual Cost component cannot be added to a Standard Cost Parent.

Position No See note Position Number must be an integer between 0 and 9999.

NOTE: The Default Value is retrieved from the BOM Preference Defaults value for New Component Position Number Incremental Spacing.

Sub Category See note See note 1 = MFG BOM



4 = Config BOM

No other BOM Categories are supported.

See below “Setting Sub Category”.

If the Sub Category is NOT zero the Child Item (or Child Template Item) must have a BOM in GP or in the Import file.

Sub Name See note Required if Sub Category is Archived or Configured. If Sub Name is provided but not Sub Category, the import will set Sub Category = CONFIGURED.

BOM Name must be <= 15 characters.

Qty Per 0 (zero) May contain up to 5-decimals depending on Item Qty Decimals.

Must be a positive value.

The quantity must be compatible with the Child Item (or Child Template Item) Qty Decimals.

U of M Base UofM from the Child Item or Child Template Item.  UofM must be <= 8 characters.

Must exist on the U of M Schedule of the Component Item, or Child Template Item.

Fixed Qty 0 (zero) May contain up to 5-decimals depending on Item Qty Decimals. Must be a positive value.

The quantity must be compatible with the Child Item (or Child Template Item) Qty Decimals.

U of M Base UofM from the Child Item or Child Template Item. UofM must be <= 8 characters.

Must exist on the U of M Schedule of the Component Item, or Child Template Item.

Issue From Site blank Must be <= 10 characters, upper case, and exist in the Site Master.
Issue To Site blank Must be <= 10 characters, upper case, and exist as a Site Master and Work Center Master.
In Date 0/0/0000 Format must be mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy (10/20/15 or 3/20/2012)
Out Date 0/0/0000 Format must be mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy (10/20/15 or 3/20/2012)
Shrink Pct 0 (zero) 10 = 1%, 100 = 10%, 1000 = 100%. No decimals are allowed. Negatives are not allowed. Invalid values will be set to zero.
Option Pct 0 (zero) 10 = 1%, 100 = 10%, 1000 = 100%. No decimals are allowed. Negatives are not allowed. Invalid values will be set to zero.
Lead Time Offset 0 (zero) Must be zero to 999. Any other value will be set to zero.
LTO From 1 (MO Start Date) 1 = MO Start Date, 2 = MO Due Date. Other values will be set to 1.
Floor Stock 0 (false) 1 = true, 0 = false. Any other value will be set to 0.
Backflush Item 0 (false)  1 = true, 0 = false. Any other value will be set to 0.
Alternate 0 (false)  1 = true, 0 = false. Any other value will be set to 0.
Alternate For See note blank If Alternate = 1 (true) then Alternate For must specify the Component Item Number that the current item is an alternate for.
Reference Designators blank Source field may be up to 255 char in length. Must contain reference designators separated by commas, or ranges such as D2-D7. If it cannot be parsed, it will be split into 20-character segments.
Actual Consumed Check 0 (false)  1 = true, 0 = false. Any other value will be set to 0.
Single Lot 0 (false)  1 = true, 0 = false. Any other value will be set to 0.
User Defined 1 Blank  Must be <= 30 characters
User Defined 2 Blank  Must be <= 30 characters
Child Template Item See note Blank Must be <= 30 characters, upper case, and exist in the Item Master.

Child Template Item must be provided if the CPN (Child Item) does not exist in GP.

Must have an Item Engineering Record.

Must have a Valuation Method Compatible with the Parent Item: an Actual Cost component cannot be added to a Standard Cost Parent.

Child Item Description See note Required if a Child Template Item is used

Setting Sub Category

The following logic is used to set the Sub Category default value.

  • If the Child Template Item is blank, and the Child Item does not have a BOM in GP or in the Import File, Sub-BOM Category is set to zero.
  • If the Child Template Item is NOT blank, and the Template Item does not have a BOM in GP or in the Import File, Sub-BOM Category is set to zero.
  • If the Parent Item is in the Import File as a Child Item with Sub-BOM Category = 2 (Engineering BOM), the Parent BOM Category is set to 2.
  • If a BOM Name is provided, and the BOM Category is zero, the BOM Category is set to 4 (Configured).
  • If a Sub-BOM Name is provided, and the Sub-BOM Category is zero, the Sub-BOM Category is set to 4 (Configured).
  • If BOM Category is zero, and the Parent Template has a MFG BOM in GP, set BOM Category to 1 (MFG BOM).
  • If BOM Category is zero, and the Parent Template has an ENG BOM in GP, set BOM Category to 2 (ENG BOM).