MO Doc Types

MO Document Types

HelpID: 497022006, 497022015

MO Document Types provides the ability to create an unlimited number of incrementing document numbers for Manufacturing Orders.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> MFG PowerPack Setup

Mark the box next to “MO Document Types*”.

Perform the additional setup described below, then restart your Dynamics GP client.

Double-click “MO Document Types*” to open the MO Document ID Setup window.

MO Document Types work like Sales Transaction Document Type IDs and Document Numbers. You can define an unlimited number of document number types that will increment individually.

MO Doc ID: a string identifier for the numbering sequence. For example, PROT for Prototype.

Next MO Number: start the MO Number with the MO Doc ID, then the number. For example: PROT0000001. Be sure to include enough zeros so the number can grow to cover future requirements.

Click DONE to close the MO Document ID Setup window.

Using MO Document Types

The MO Doc Type Lookup window is accessed from the Additional menu on:

  • Manufacturing Order Entry
  • Quick MOs
  • MRP-Planned Orders
  • Edit MO Status

From these windows select Additional >> Select MO Doc Type, or press CTRL+M.

Remember My Doc Type: mark this box to have the system remember your preferred MO Document Type ID. When the Lookup window opens again the “remembered” document type will already be highlighted, so it can be selected by just pressing the Enter key, or clicking the Select button. This box will be marked automatically when the window is opened from Edit MO Status or MRP-Planned Orders.

Use Default MO Number: this checkbox is only visible when MO Doc Types is opened from the Edit MO Status window or the MRP-Planned Orders window. If you mark the checkbox and click Select (or close the window) the default manufacturing MO Numbering will be used.

Select an MO Doc Type by double-clicking on it in the scrolling window, or click once on it then click the Select button.

MO Entry: The selected MO Doc Type MO Number will be entered into the Manufacture Order Number field on Manufacture Order Entry.

MRP Planned Orders: The selected MO Doc Type will be displayed in the Title Bar of the window.

To clear the selected MO Doc Type, open the MO Doc Types window and mark the “Use Default MO Number” checkbox.

Edit MO Status: The selected MO Doc Type will be displayed in the Title Bar of the window.

To clear the selected MO Doc Type, open the MO Doc Types window and mark the “Use Default MO Number” checkbox.

IMPORTANT: When using MO Doc Types from the Edit MO Status window to convert MRP Planned Orders into MOs, the system requires exclusive use of the manufacturing setup table which contains the “next MO Number.” If, after clicking Process on the Edit MO Status window, a second user opens MO Entry the MO Number will show “ERROR”. If you see ERROR you should close the Manufacturing window and try again. If it is likely in your environment that multiple users will be creating MOs at the same time, consider not using MO Doc Types on the Edit MO Status window.