MO Split

MO Split

HelpID: 497022113, 497022008, 497022019

MO Split is a tool for splitting a large Manufacturing Order into any number of smaller orders. This is often used when Manufacturing Orders are being created from Sales Configurator. Sales Configurator will create one large MO linked to the Sales Order for the entire sales line quantity. If this quantity does not match to an efficient manufacturing quantity, you can use MO Split to break the single linked MO into several small orders that are still linked to the SO.

Another use for MO Split is to break off small quantities of a large “planning MO” or “placeholder MO”. Production planning may plan requirements down to a monthly level, but production is done on an “as possible” basis due to the need to address urgent customer needs over planned production for inventory. In such a scenario MO Split is used to break off small quantities from the planning MO, so that the MO can be completed quickly within available constraints. The parent MO is reduced by the split quantity.

MO Split also adds a new MOP-SOP Inquiry window so that Sales Lines with multiple MO links can be viewed.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> MFG PowerPack Setup

Mark the box next to “MO-Split – SOP Inquiry” to enable the MO Split SOP Inquiry window.

Mark the box next to “MO Split*” to enable MO Split. Perform the additional setup described below, the restart Dynamics GP.

Double-click “MO Split*” to open the MO Split Options window.

Disposition: When MO Split splits the parent MO it can either delete the parent, or keep it but change the MO Status to Canceled. MO Split ensures that the parent MO Number is not reused even if the parent is deleted. You may want to keep the parent MOs so you have a record of the original MOs, or you may want to reduce the amount of “clutter” and have the system delete the parent MOs.

Split MPS Orders: Marking this box enabables functionality which connects MO Split to the Master Production Schedule. When Manufacturing Orders are created from MPS they will automatically be split into smaller MOs based on the Order Multiple from Item Resource Planning. Order Multiple is pulled from the Item-Site record, using the Item Number and Post To Site from the MO. The Order Multiple must be less than the MO Start Quantity for the MO to be split.

If you enable Split MPS Orders, the Disposition will automatically set to “Cancel Original Order”. This is required. If the original order were deleted, the Quantity and Order would disappear from the MPS window.

Click SAVE on MO Split Options, then click DONE on MFG PowerPack Setup.

All users must restart GP to enable this feature.

IMPORTANT: Do not enable MO Split if your MO Number has a dash in it, such as MO-0000123. MO Split creates splits by adding a dash and a numeric suffix, such as MO00123-0001, MO00123-0002, MO00123-0003 and so on, for each split off MO00123. If the MO Number itself has a dash (MO-0000123), that will cause MO Split to see every MO as a split.

If your MO Number does have a dash you will need to:

  1. Change Manufacturing Setup so the MO Number does not have a dash (change it from MO-000123 to MO00123).
  2. Complete production of all of the “old” MOs that have the dash, while new MO are started that do not have the dash
  3. Once all of the “old” MOs are complete and closed, enable MO Split

Using MO Split

Navigation: Transactions >> Manufacturing >> MO Split, or from MO Entry via Extras >> Additional >> MO Split.

When MO Entry is open, you can also access MO Split by pressing CTRL+S. The MO Split window will open and display the MO Number selected on the MO Entry window.

You can open MO Split at any time by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+S (the MO Entry window does not have to be open, and MO Split will open with the MO Number field blank).

Enter the MO Number to split.

Split Type: Select a Split Type.

  • Single will create a new MO in the quantity specified, and reduce the original MO by that same quantity.
  • Multiple deletes or cancels the original MO (see Setup), and creates a number of new MOs in the specified quantity (this would be used to split an MO for 100 into ten MOs of 10).

Qty per new MO / Qty per MO: Enter a quantity. This must be a number greater than zero, and less than the original MO’s End Quantity.

For a Multiple split, the New Qty Per MO does NOT have to divide evenly into the Ending Quantity. If the New Qty Per MO does not divide evenly into the Ending Quantity, the system will calculate how many MOs to create with the desired quantity, and then it will calculate one final MO with the remaining quantity. It will display a message providing information about the split, such as:

“Splitting MO0045 will delete it from Dynamics GP, and create new MOs. 500 does not divide evenly by 13. There will be 38 MOs of 13, and one MO for 6. Continue?”

The split process will create new manufacturing orders, and if SO-MO Links exist, the new orders will be created linked to the Sales Order.

Splits can only be done on MOs that are Quote/Estimate or Open. After the new orders have been created, the original MO may be deleted from Dynamics GP (depending on Setup).

If the original (or parent) MO is deleted, MO Split will prevent the parent MO Number from being reused.

There is a special restriction on Splits linked to SOP. While these Split MOs can be processed separately, they cannot be “transacted” simultaneously. Opening any of a series of splits (i.e. MO0001-01, MO0001-02, etc) will add an activity record for the group, thus locking all of the MO series when any one of them is in use. For example, posting an MO Receipt for MO0001-02 will lock both of the MOs, so you could not also open MO0001-01 in MO Entry at the same time. This special control is required due to the additional requirements of the MOP-SOP linking. This applies only to MOP-SOP linked Splits. If a regular (not linked) MO is split, those MOs are handled just like any regular MO.

MO Split Example

Create a Sales Order for 2-units of 100XLG, with the quantity backordered. Generate an MO.

An MO for 2-units of 100XLG is created, linked to the SOP Line.

Open the MO Split window (Additional >> MO Split)

Change the Split Type to MULTIPLE, and Qty Per MO to 1. Click PROCESS.

View the Sales Order in the MO Split SO-MO Inquiry window (Inquiry >> Sales >> SO-MO Inquiry), or from Sales Transaction Entry via Additional >> SO-MO Inquiry, or Sales Transaction Inquiry Zoom via Additional >> SO-MO Inquiry.

The single MO (MO0018) originally created by the MOP-SOP Link has been split into two. Both MOs are still linked to the SOP Line. Performing an MO Receipt of the split will update the Quantity Fulfilled and Quantity To Invoice on the SOP Line.

Split MPS Orders

Begin by creating a Master Production Schedule. In the example below, there is a forecast for 100XLG of 5-units in April and 6-units in May.

The Default Schedule Preference has WAREHOUSE as the Post To Site.

And the Order Multiple is 2 on Item Resource Planning for 100XLG in WAREHOUSE.

Mark the orders you want to release, the click SAVE.

MO Split will prompt you to print the Error Log report. Mark SCREEN and click OK.

The Split process may take several minutes depending on the number of MOs released from the MPS window. When the splitting process is complete, the Error Log will display.

The MOs will be split evenly based on the Order Multiple. If there is any balance, it will be on the final MO.

For example, the forecast for 5 in April is split as 2, 2 and 1, which the forecast for 6 in May is split 2, 2, and 2.