HelpID: 497022059

OSRC (Outsourced PO) Add To PO enables adding lines for outsourced services to an existing Regular PO. Often a single vendor is used for many processes across multiple Manufacturing Orders, and GP will create separate POs to the vendor. The Add To PO feature enables consolidation of purchasing so that then vendor receives one PO.

OSRC Add To PO can also add a new Release Line to a Blanket PO.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> MFG PowerPack Setup

Mark the box next to “OSRC – Add To PO”.

Using OSRC Add To PO

  • When an out-sourced line is marked on the MOP-POP Linking window, Add To PO will check if there are existing, open purchase orders for the Vendor assigned to the outsourced line. If so, the Add To PO window will open.
  • When working with Blanket POs, be sure you have made any changes to the Quantity and Cost before marking the line. At the time the line is marked, the line values will be captured and used when adding the new Release Line.
  • On the Add To PO window, either enter an existing PO Number, or select one from the lookup. The lookup will show only POs for the outsourced vendor that are Regular POs, or Blanket POs that have not exceeded the control quantity/amount.
  • Click ADD TO PO to add the selected Outsourced Sequence to the existing PO.

Rather than creating a new PO, the lines will be added to the selected PO.

Lines must be added one at a time.

If multiple sequences go to one Vendor, you can create one new PO to the vendor for the MO by:

  • Select the first sequence. If there is an existing PO but you want to create a new one, close the Add To PO window and click Create PO.
  • For subsequent lines, when you mark the Sequence the Add To PO window will open. Select the new PO, the click Add To PO.