OSRC Cost & Quantity Override

OSRC Cost/Quantity Override

OSRC (Outsourced PO) Cost/Quantity Override converts the Quantity Ordered and Unit Cost on the MOP-POP Purchase Order so that it matches the quantity of inventory sent to the vendor. Normally GP orders a quantity of service in hours based on the routing.

For example, if the Routing requires 3 hours per unit at $10 per hour, and the Manufacturing Order is for 3 units, the PO will be for 9 hours at $10/hour.

The override will change the Quantity To Order and Unit Cost, so that the Quantity To Order is 3 and the Unit Cost is $30. The Quantity To Order will reflect the number of pieces sent to the vendor, rather than the number of hours of service required.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> MFG PowerPack Setup

Mark the box next to “OSRC – Cost/Quantity Override”.

Using OSRC Cost/Quantity Override

See the next section, OSRC Description Override, for an example of how these two OSRC enhancements work together.