Serial Lot Mass Generate

Serial/Lot Mass-Generate

HelpID: 497022117, 497022037

Serial/Lot Mass Generate adds automatic generation of serial and lot numbers to all Dynamics GP transactions which can add inventory to the system.

Dynamics GP provides automated serial/lot generation in two locations:

  • It can generate both Serial & Lot numbers on a PO Receipt
  • It can generate only Serial Numbers on an Manufacturing Receipt

All other transactions in Dynamics GP which add inventory (such as Inventory Adjustments and Sales Returns) provide no support for auto-generating either serial or lot numbers.

The following windows are supported by Serial/Lot Mass Generate:

  • Inventory Transactions: both auto-lot and auto-serial numbering are added
  • Inventory Assembly Transactions: both auto-lot and auto-serial numbering are added
  • PO Receipts: auto-lot numbering is added as an alternative to the method provided by GP.
  • Sales Transactions (Returns): both auto-lot and auto-serial number.
  • Sales Transactions (all other Document Types): auto-generation of one serial or lot number at a time for on-the-fly adding of serial/lot numbers.
  • Manufacture Order Entry (Lot Number pre-entry): auto-generation of one lot number.
  • Quick MOs: auto-lot numbering
  • MO Receipts: auto-lot numbering.

Serial/Lot Mass Generate can be used without Manufacturing installed.

Serial/Lot Mass Generate has an optional feature which supports a Global Lot Number for all lot numbered items, and a Global Serial Number for all serial numbered items. It can also support a single Global Numbering Sequence for all serial and lot numbered items.

See “Item Class Serial/Lot Mask” for another serial and lot numbering option. “Item Class Serial/Lot Mask” supports a single Lot Number Mask, or Serial Number Mask, for all items in an Item Class. Item Class Serial/Lot Mask cannot be used together with the Global Serial/Lot Numbering functionality of “Serial/Lot Mass Generate”, and the software will provide a warning if an attempt is made to activate both. However, “Item Class Serial/Lot Mask” can be used with the “auto-generate” functionality of “Serial/Lot Mass Generate”.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> MFG PowerPack Setup

Mark the box next to “Serial/Lot Mass Generate*”. This feature requires additional setup. Double-click on “Serial/Lot Mass Generate*” to open the setup window.

Fields and Button are listed in alphabetical order below.

Expiration Date: Expiration Date is calculated by adding a number of days to the Manufactured Date. Options are:

  • Minimum Shelf Life -1 (see the Item Maintenance Options window).
  • Minimum Shelf Life -2 (see the Item Maintenance Options window).
  • Warranty Days (see the Item Maintenance Options window).
  • Item Engineering Lot Expiration Days (only available if Manufacturing is installed).

Global Serial/Lot Numbers: Serial/Lot Mass Generate supports a system-wide numbering mask for serial and lot numbers. You can apply a single mask to all Lot Numbers, and a separate mask to all Serial Numbers, or, you can use one mask to generate BOTH serial and lot numbers. When a Global Serial/Lot Mask is used, all Serial and/or Lot controlled items must still have a mask.

For example, as shown above, if you open the Serial/Lot Number Definition window and click the INSERT button, it will create the mask shown above. You will receive a warning that it cannot be used to auto-generate, but it will not be used anyway. Simply having any mask present in this window is sufficient. The actual Serial/Lot Mask will be pulled from the Global Lot Number item or Global Serial Number item.

If the Lot Split Quantity on the Item Serial/Lot Number Definition window is greater than zero, it will be used as the Quantity Per Lot Number when the Serial/Lot Mass Generate window opens, and it will be applied to ALL lot numbers.

IV Assembly Transactions: Mark to enable automatic Manufactured Date and Expiration Date calculation. See “Manufactured Date” and “Expiration Date”.

IV Transactions: This include Adjustments, Variances, and Transfers. Mark to enable automatic Manufactured Date and Expiration Date calculation. See “Manufactured Date” and “Expiration Date”.

Manufactured Date: Choose to automatically set the Manufactured Date to either the User Date or System Date. System Date is the “actual date” as identified on the server, while User Date can be changed from within GP.

MFG Receipts: Mark to enable automatic Manufactured Date and Expiration Date calculation. See “Manufactured Date” and “Expiration Date”.

POP Receipts: Mark to enable automatic Manufactured Date and Expiration Date calculation. See “Manufactured Date” and “Expiration Date”.

SOP Returns: Mark to enable automatic Manufactured Date and Expiration Date calculation. See “Manufactured Date” and “Expiration Date”.

Use one Mask for all Serial and Lot Numbers: a single mask can be used to number all serial and lot controlled inventory. The Master Item can be either a Lot Numbered item or a Serial Numbered item. If this box is marked, only one of the two Master Items can be entered.

Creating a Serial/Lot Mask

See the GP Inventory Manual, or Help, for instructions on how to create Serial & Lot Masks.

NOTE: A mask must have at least one incrementing segment.

Using Serial/Lot Mass Generate

Serial/Lot Mass Generate enables auto-generation of both Serial and Lot Numbers in many locations in the system. Dynamics GP already supports automatic serial number generation on PO Receipts and MO Receipts. Serial/Lot Mass Generate extends that capability to:

  • Inventory Transactions
  • Inventory Assembly Transactions
  • PO Receipts (for Lot Numbers)
  • Sales Transactions (for both Lot and Serial Numbers)
  • Manufacture Order Entry (Lot Number pre-entry)
  • Quick MOs
  • MO Receipts

From the Lot or Serial Number Entry windows in any of the above locations there will be a Extras menu option from Auto Lot Number and/or Auto Serial Number.

CTRL+Y is the hot key for Auto Lot Number

CTRL+U is the hot key for Auto Serial Number

The Generate Lots window is shown below (the Generate Serials window is similar, but lacks the Lot Attribute fields, Qty per Lot Number and Number of Lots).

Fields and Buttons are listed in alphabetical order below.

Bin Number: if multi-bins is enabled, the Bin Number field will be required.

Expiration Date: only available for Lot Numbers. Depending on Serial/Lot Mass Generate Setup, this value may auto-calculate.

Manufactured Date: only available for Lot Numbers. Depending on Serial/Lot Mass Generate Setup, this value may auto-calculate.

Number of Lots: this field indicates how many unique Lot Numbers to generate. The window calculates the Number of Lots and Qty Per Lot so that when the two are multiplied they equal the total Item Quantity. So if you are receiving 10 of CAP100, it defaults to Qty Per Lot = 10, and Number of Lots = 1. If you set Qty Per Lot = 1, Number of Lots will be recalculated to 10.

You can change the Qty Per Lot and Number of Lots to generate multiple partial quantity Lots.

If you need to create multiple lot numbers and assign different Lot Attributes to each one, set Qty Per Lot to the desired quantity (i.e. 1), and set Number of Lots to 1. When asked to Recalculate Qty Per Lot Number, answer NO. Fill in the Lot Attributes and click the ADD button.

Next Serial/Lot Number: you can enter a different starting serial/lot number only if the Item Number has a Serial/Lot Mask. The value entered must be compatible with the Mask.

Quantity per Lot Number: see Number Of Lots.

Serial/Lot Mask: displays the Serial/Lot Number Mask. Click the Serial/Lot Number Mask zoom button to open the Item Serial/Lot Number Mask Entry window.

Depending on Serial/Lot Mass Generate setup, the Manufactured Date and Expiration Date will populate automatically for Lot Numbers (the fields are not available for Serial Numbers).

Starting Serial/Lot Number: this defaults to the next Serial/Lot Number based on the Last Generated Serial/Lot Number and the Serial/Lot Mask. You can change this to a different Serial/Lot Number, as long as the value entered is compatible with the Serial/Lot Mask.