SO-MO Delete

SO-MO Delete

When a Sales Line is linked to a Manufacturing Order GP will not allow deletion of the Sales Line until the SO-MO Link is broken. The SO-MO Delete Feature will automatically break the SO-MO Link when the Sales Line is deleted, and if possible it will also delete the MO.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> MFG PowerPack Setup

Mark the box next to “SO-MO Delete”. Restart the Dynamics GP client(s) to enable this feature.

Using SO-MO Delete

When a Sales Line is linked to an MO and you attempt to delete the Sales Line from Sales Transaction Entry you will be prompted:

An MO is attached to this SOP Line. Do you want to break the link and delete the MO?

If you answer YES, the link will be deleted. The only time the link will NOT be deleted is if the MO is currently locked for editing. In this case you will be informed that the MO is locked and deleting the Sales Line will be prevented.

After deleting the SO-MO Link, the SO-MO Delete Feature will also attempt to delete the MO if the MO is in a Quote or Open Status. Several conditions could prevent deleting the MO:

  • The MO is linked to another Sales Line
  • The MO has a status other than Quote or Open
  • Materials have been issued to the Picklist

If any error conditions exist which prevent deleting the MO a message will display explaining why the MO was not deleted.