SOP Backorder All

SOP Backorder All

HelpID: 497022125

SOP Backorder All overrides the normal document allocation and fulfillment logic on Sales Orders so that regardless of any available inventory, the Quantity Ordered is set to Backordered. This is particularly useful with GP Manufacturing when all finished goods are made to order as it prevents GP from allocating available inventory produced for another Order. For the same reason, it can also be helpful when Orders are entered with a long lead time before shipment


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> MFG PowerPack Setup

Mark the box next to “SOP Backorder All*”.

The asterisk (*) indicates that this feature has additional setup. Double-click on “SOP Backorder All*” to open the setup window.

SOP Backorder All can use several different inclusion/exclusion criteria to control whether or not an Item will always be backordered. The SETUP options are:

  • Sites
  • Order IDs
  • Batches
  • Item Classes
  • Items
  • Customer Classes
  • Customers

Any Setup Type can be an inclusionary list, or an exclusionary list, but not both. For example, excluding some Items will mean that ALL OTHER items will be backordered. Whereas including Items means that only those items will be backordered.

A specific inclusion/exclusion list is ONLY used if one or more values has been entered into the list. For example, if no items are added to the Items list, then SOP Backorder All will skip that check when deciding whether to backorder the SOP line.

The first list check that fails will cause the SOP line to NOT be backordered. If you use Item inclusions, and Customer Class exclusions, and SOP Order ID exclusions, and so on, then the SOP Line must pass all of those list checks for it to be backordered.

If you have other criteria that determine if an Item should be backordered (for example, Manufacturing’s Item Engineering Replenishment Method setting), use the CUSTOM option. This is discussed in the next section.


Custom Backorder All Rules

The MFG PowerPack installation creates a “dummy” stored procedure called wspSOPBOA. The script for the stored procedure is listed below:

You can edit this stored procedure to add custom logic that determines if an Item is backordered. As shown above the default script always returns 1, which means that all items will be backordered. You can add conditional logic so that Items that are “Make To Order” on Item Engineering are backordered, while “Make To Stock” items are not.

An example of using the stored procedure to check Item Engineering Fulfillment Method is shown below:

Using SOP Backorder All

SOP Backorder All can be used with either the main Sales Transaction Entry window or the Sales Item Detail Entry window.

It will not work with transactions integrated into Dynamics GP through eConnect, or any other method of creating Sales Orders that does not use the two window mentioned above.