Time Card


HelpID: 497022099, 497022098

TimeCard provides a quick and easy to use time tracking system for Dynamics GP Manufacturing. Many manufacturers want to record employee time on a manufacturing to help setting standards, and to track performance against those standards, but do not want the time entry to affect costing on the MO.

TimeCard was designed with barcode scanner use in mind, so it has special features to make it easy to use with minimal keyboard and mouse use.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> MFG PowerPack Setup

Mark the box next to “TimeCard*”. Double-click on “TimeCard*” to open the TimeCard Setup window.

User Defined Labels: the TimeCard Entry window has five user defined fields. Provide labels for those fields in the Setup window.

Auto-Tab: auto-tab works in conjunction with the Field Tab Sequence (see below for more information on Field Tab Sequence), and is primarily intended to support use of barcode scanners. When auto-tab is marked, after data is entered/scanned into a field on the TimeCard Entry window the system will automatically move to the next field.

NOTE: the scanner must be configured to pass in a RETURN or ENTER character after each scan.

Auto-tab also adds additional logic to the tab sequence. For example, when auto-tab is enabled, you can also mark Auto-Save. When the tab sequence moves to the Save Button, and Auto-Save is marked, the record will be saved automatically without having to click the Save Button.

Marking Auto-Tab also enables the Auto-Start/Stop checkbox. When the tab sequence moves to the Start or Stop Buttons, and Auto-Start/Stop is marked, the system will automatically “click” the Start or Stop button. This is described in more detail in the Field Tab Sequence section.

Auto-Start/Stop: only available when Auto-Tab is marked. Auto-Start/Stop causes the system to automatically “click” the Start or Stop button when the tab sequence arrives at that button. See Field Tab Sequence for more information.

Auto-Save: only available when Auto-Tab is marked. Auto-Save causes the system to automatically “click” the Save Button when the tab sequence arrives at that button. See Field Tab Sequence for more information.

Auto-Match Start/Stop Entries: If TimeCard is used in an environment where employees will clock-in at the start of a sequence, then clock-out when finished, the Auto-Match option will find the “start record” when the employee enters the “stop record”. By matching to the start record the system can then calculate the elapsed time.

Send to Automated Data Collection: When enabled, Employee and Machine data collection will be submitted to, and processed through, the GP Manufacturing Automated Data Collection utility. Timecard will add entries to the ADC SQL table (SF010500) and then execute the data collection processing routine in GP Manufacturing. You do NOT need to specify a GP client as an “ADC Processor” (see MFG Setup for more information). This integration will result in the Labor and Machine time recorded in TimeCard becoming labor and machine costs on the Manufacturing Order.

NOTE: While TimeCard allows recording time on ANY MO Status, Manufacturing only allows it on Released, Partially Received, and Complete Manufacturing Orders. You should configure TimeCard to only allow data collection on those same MO Statuses. Additionally, once a Routing Sequence is marked DONE, Manufacturing will not allow additional data collection on that sequence. If you use the Done checkbox in TimeCard, be careful about when it is marked so that all data collection for a sequence is complete before marking the sequence as done.

Show Delete Button: Makes the Delete button available on TimeCard Entry.

Manufacturing Order Status Options: for each MO Status you can choose whether or not the system should allow Time Entry, and whether or not the system should allow Editing of existing time entries. For example, you might want to allow Time Entry and Editing for Open, Released, Partially Received and Complete. But you might want to allow ONLY Editing on Closed MOs.

Field Tab Sequence

When the Setup window first opens, the fields are displayed in the default tab order. This is the order in which the cursor would normally move through the fields on the TimeCard Entry window.

The default order is MO Number, Sequence, Employee ID, Machine ID, then over to Start Date & Stop Date, etc.

You can change the tab order so that the tab sequence only goes through the fields you need to use. You can also set fields as required.

The tab sequence is used by the Auto-Tab, Auto-Save, and Auto-Start/Stop options. Auto-Tab is primarily intended to support use of barcode scanners, however it can make data entry much faster even when using keyboard and mouse.

With Auto-Tab and Auto-Save marked, when the tab sequence arrives at SAVE, the record will automatically save.

Auto-Tab and Auto-Start/Stop also work together. Look at the Field Order shown below.

Note the first six fields, ending with SAVE. In this case you could scan MO Number, and the cursor would automatically move to Sequence (Routing Sequence).

Scan Sequence, and it moves to Employee ID. Scan Employee and it moves to Start Button. If Auto-Start/Stop is marked it will automatically “click” the Start Button. It then assumes what you want to do is save the record, so it will skip the Stop Button and move to the Save button. And if Auto-Save it marked it will save the record and put the cursor back into the MO Number field.

Additionally, if Auto-Match Start/Stop Entries is marked, and the same employee again scans MO Number, Sequence and Employee ID, the system will automatically retrieve the Start Time record, recognize that Start Time has been entered and skip over Start Button directly to Stop Button. If Auto-Start/Stop is marked it will “click” the Stop button, move the Save, and “click” the Save Button.

Fields can be placed in any order you desire. MO Number and Sequence must always be the first two fields. Any fields can be set as Required (except the Done checkbox). MO Number and Sequence are always required.

To change the order of a field, click into the field, then click the Up or Down buttons.

Refresh Button: to un-do your changes, and set the Field Tab Sequence back to the default order, click the Refresh Button.

Time Card Entry

Navigation: Transactions >> Manufacturing >> Time Card Entry

Break: if Auto-Tab is enabled, the Break Button will be enabled (otherwise the button is locked). Break interrupts the auto-tab sequence, allowing you to manually place the cursor into different fields. You might need to do this if you make a mistake and need to change a previously entered field. Auto-tab would normally not allow this and would force the cursor into the next field.

TimeCard Entry requires a valid MO Number and Routing Sequence. Other fields may be made required through the TimeCard Setup window. The window is designed to maximize data collection flexibility, so it requires the bare minimum of data entry, and it does not validate the data against manufacturing setup. For example, the number of pieces completed or scrapped does not have to equal actual production. You can enter a Start Date without a Start Time, or without an End Date/Time.

Depending on Setup, you may be able to edit existing Time Card entries. To locate an existing entry, click the Transaction Number lookup. The Transaction Number increments by one for each time entry per MO-Routing Sequence.

MO Number and Routing Sequence perform “contains” queries. As shown above, entering only “21” in the MO Number field restrictions the window to show only MO Numbers containing “21”, as shown below.

= Expand the lines. Showing more information about each time entry can help locate the correct transaction.

= Start Button. Clicking the Start Button automatically enters the Start Date and Time (current Date and current Time).

= Stop Button. Clicking the Stop Button automatically enters the End Date and Time (current Date and current Time).

Bar Code Scanners: Time Card Entry is designed to work with barcode scanners. Set the scanner to submit a Return (or Enter) character after each scan. Also enable Auto-Tab in TimeCard setup.

The Time Card data is stored the SQL table called W4970TimeCard.