PO Gen Remove MO Qty

PO Gen Remove MO Qty

PO Generator does not consider quantities on Manufacturing Orders for items with a Replenishment Method of Either, so it may suggest a larger PO than is needed if there are MO’s in the system for an item.

For example, if 100XLG is has a Replenishment Method of Either, and PO Generator suggests a PO of 50, but there is an MO for 100XLG with 20 still to be received, the PO should only be for 30. PO Gen Remove Qty will recalculate the suggested POs so the quantity ordered takes into consideration the quantity being produced by MO.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> MFG PowerPack Setup

Mark the box next to “TWK: PO Gen Remove MO Qty”.

Click DONE on the MFG PowerPack Setup window. This Tweak will be active immediately for the current user. Other users will need to close GP, then log-in again to activate it.

Using PO Gen Remove MO Qty

When you click into a ling in the Suggested Purchase Orders Preview window, the PO Gen Remove MO Quantity tweak will display the Quantity on MO in the Title Bar of the Suggested PO Preview window:

The Qty On MO is site specific, based on the suggested PO line site. If there suggested POs for 100XLG in WAREHOUSE and in SOUTH, the Quantity on MO will be calculated separately for MO’s with a Post To site of WAREHOUSE versus those with a Post To Site of SOUTH.

The MO Quantity can also be removed from the suggested PO quantity. To do this, select Additional >> Remove Qty On MO.

You will have the option to update ALL lines, or just the selected line. Cancel stops the update without making any changes.

The Quantity on MO for an item is the MO’s End Quantity minus Qty Received plus Reversed Receipts. MO’s in Open, Released and Partially Received statuses are included.

If the Quantity on MO is greater than the suggested PO Quantity, the suggested PO Quantity will be set to zero.

The update will only include lines where the Purchasing U of M for the suggested PO is the same as the Base U of M.

Report Writer Integration

The Quantity on MO can be added to the Suggested PO Report by adding a calculated field which uses the rw_TableHeaderCurrency function.

Create a calculated field for MO Quantity

  1. Open the Suggested PO Report in Report Writer
  2. Select Calculated Fields from the Toolbox, then click NEW
  3. Name the field: cMOQty
  4. Result Type = Currency
  5. Click the FUNCTIONS tab, click User-Defined, select Core = System, then Function = rw_TableHeaderCurrency
  6. Click Add
  7. Add the Product ID
    1. Click the CONSTANTS tab, select Type = Integer, enter 4970, then click ADD.
  8. Add the Item Number
    1. On the Fields tab, select Resources = Purchase Order Generator Suggested PO Temp, and Field = Item Number, then click ADD
  9. Add the Site
    1. On the Fields tab, select Resources = Purchase Order Generator Suggested PO Temp, and Field = Location Code, then click ADD.
  10. Add the Document Type
    1. Since there is not a “Document Type” for MO Quantity, add a Constant = 0. Click the Constants tab, select Type = Integer, enter 0 (the number zero), then click ADD.
  11. Add the Data Control
    1. This is an integer that tells MFG PowerPack which piece of data to return. In this case there is only one, MO Quantity, so add an Integer Constant of 1. Click the Constants tab, select Type = Integer, enter 1, then click ADD.
  12. Click OK to save the calculated field.

Add cMOQty to the modified PO Form, and format as needed.

Using the technique above, Quantity Remaining on MO can be added to ANY GP report as long as you have an Item Number and Location Code to pass to the rw_TableHeaderCurrency function.