Remember MO

Remember MO

Remember MO retains the last used MO Number on Manufacturing Order Entry as you click through to different windows via the GoTo button.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> MFG PowerPack Setup

Mark the box next to “TWK: Remember MO”.

Click DONE on the MFG PowerPack Setup window. This Tweak will be active immediately for the current user. Other users will need to close GP, then log-in again to activate it.

Using Remember MO

Navigation: Transactions >> Manufacturing >> Manufacturing Orders >> Entry

Select an MO, then use the GoTo button to access other windows. Some windows, such as Picklist, cause the MO Number field to clear the selected MO and return to the “Next MO Number”. After returning to the MO Entry window, if you want to look at additional information about the MO, you have to re-enter the MO Number, then select an option from the GoTo (such as Component Transaction Entry).

The MO Number will be retained in the MO Number field after selecting to GoTo windows that would normally result in clearing the MO Number field. You can also redisplay the MO itself in MO Entry by simply tabbing-out of the MO Number field.

To “release” the remembered MO Number press CTRL+F (or Additional >> Forget MO).