Where Used Inquiry

Where Used Inquiry

HelpID: 497022014

Where Used Inquiry displays the position of any component in a graphical, multi-level, indented bill of materials. All parent items that contain the component are displayed, and the bills are exploded to the level containing the component, which is clearly marked with a red dot to facilitate quick identification.

This utility works with the Manufacturing BOM and Inventory Assembly BOM.


Navigation: Tools >> Setup >> Manufacturing >> MFG PowerPack Setup

Mark the box next to “Where Used Inquiry”. Restart Dynamics GP to enable this feature for all users.

Using Where Used Inquiry

Navigation: Inquiry >> Manufacturing >> Where Used

The Where Used Inquiry shows each BOM which contains the given item. The BOMs are exploded to the level where the item occurs, and highlights the item with a red dot.

The “breadcrumb” navigation at the top of the window shows the next three BOM levels immediately above the selected component. When working with large BOMs, this navigation helps in quickly zooming up to a higher level in the BOM. As shown above, clicking on “BA100G” will move the focus up in the BOM to that component.

The VIEW BOM button opens the Bill of Materials for an assembly selected in the BOM View.

View BOM Type: restrict the treeview to show only a selected BOM Type, or All BOMs.

Expand to where used: controls whether the treeview is expanded to the level of the “where used” item, or if all nodes are collapsed. Click the Redisplay button to refresh the window.