Table Map

Table Map

The integration table (W7158ImportHdr) is located in the Company Database.   Optional columns do not accept NULLs, so they need to be populated with a default value.

Col Name Required Notes
1 MONum YES Provide the MO Number of a “parent” MO for which you want to create subassembly MOs.
2 ITEMNMBR NO Default to empty string
3 QUANTITY NO Default to zero
4 DUEDATE NO Default to 1/1/1900 (19000101)
5 SchedPref NO Default to empty string
6 RoutingName NO Default to empty string
7 BOMType NO Default to zero
8 BOMName NO Default to empty string
9 DSCRIPTN NO Default to empty string
10 NOTEINDX NO For internal use.  Always set to zero.
11 Status NO 0 = New.  Always set to zero

1 = Error

2 = Done

9999 = Being processed