Create MOs

Create MOs

This utility can use input from an Excel Spreadsheet or a SQL staging table.

Create MOs creates an MO “as if” if was created by using the Manufacturing Order Entry window. The utility creates the MO, builds the picklist, and schedules the MO (which populates CRP tables). If the MO Status option is set to Released, and Manufacturing Setup specifies that inventory should be allocated when the MO is released, MOGen will also create a Component Transaction Entry “Allocation” transaction to allocate the components on the Picklist.

When the Create Child MOs option is marked, MOGen will create child-MOs for each of the non-Phantom subassemblies on the Picklist of the parent Item. The Create Child MOs process continues down each level of the assembly until there are no more “make” components.

This utility can also create a MOP-SOP Link between a Manufacturing Order and a Sales Lines. If there are no errors creating the MO, the utility will attempt to create the MOP-SOP Link. Errors will be reported (such as an invalid SOP Type was provided) and will prevent creating the MOP-SOP Link. In this case, MOP-SOP Links would need to be manually created after the integration completes.

See the Excel Map for details about the import file layout, data requirements, and validations performed on each field.

See the Table Map sections for details about how to populate the SQL Import tables.

If any errors are encountered, they will be reported in the Error Log. See the Error Log chapter for more information.