Table Map

Table Map

The integration table (W7158ImportHdr) is located in the Company Database.   Optional columns do not accept NULLs, so they need to be populated with a default value.

Col Name Required Notes
1 MONum YES Provide the MO Number of a “parent” MO for which you want to create subassembly MOs.
2 ITEMNMBR NO Default to empty string
3 QUANTITY NO Default to zero
4 DUEDATE NO Default to 1/1/1900 (19000101). If a Due Date is provided, the Start Date and Due Date on the MO will be set to the new date, and then it will be rescheduled using the Scheduling Method on the MO.
5 SchedPref NO Default to empty string
6 RoutingName NO Default to empty string
7 BOMType NO Default to zero
8 BOMName NO Default to empty string
9 DSCRIPTN NO Default to empty string
10 NOTEINDX NO For internal use.  Always set to zero.
11 Status NO 0 = New.  Always set to zero

1 = Error

2 = Done

9999 = Being processed